Yetunde Asaolu
Science For Life
Published in
3 min readSep 12, 2021


5 ways a content creator can stay mentally active.

Judit Peter on Pexels

Apart from being a creative and very good writer, the ability to chill and take care of your cognitive and mental health will determine the extent to which you will go.

There’s a great deal of connection between writing and self care. You can not take it from each other.

If you cannot treat your writing self well, you’ll discover that you’ll get exhausted from your creativity.

I could recall years back when I was so engrossed with work that I hardly had time to take care of myself. I realised I had stopped sleeping well and started having migraines, I literally broke down.

There are times you’ve tried to frantically remember someone’s name, but with no success. Memory loss can occur at any age, and this is the reason why engaging the mind regularly is stringent.

This is the reason why it is important to engage the mind as a writer and content creator. Engaging the mind is like exercising the mind, and this, to a large extent, keeps your mind in shape because a healthy mind generates a healthy body.

1. Look after yourself.

The best investment you can ever make is an investment in yourself.

We have been made to believe that not giving ourselves enough rest as writers is a sign of strength and that looking out for others at the expense of ourselves is the noble thing to do. They’re all fallacies because you cannot churn out good content if you’re hungry, sleepy, tired, or stressed out.

You have to give yourself the break you deserve. Take some time away to do something fun. It could be having a hot bath, manicure, yoga, facial, reading, playing a sport, massage, or meditation. It restores your cognitive reasoning and ability. Take some time out to rest, sleep and eat. It gives you inspiration, especially if you’re consistently experiencing a writer’s block. Then you should give more time to doing fun things. In this way, you’ll get your inspiration.

Also, engage in physical exercise because a healthy brain requires a healthy body to function effectively.

2. Spend time with others.

Spending time with others tremendously helps your mental health and refreshes your mind. Writing is an isolated activity and most times, you find yourself cramped up in your world of reasoning trying to write and figure out so much. There’s a need to take a break by reaching out to fellow writers and joining progressive writing groups where you’ll get to meet a lot of like minds who share the same or diverse opinions as you on matters. You should also reach out to non-writing friends who can help lighten your mood and create fun memories with you. Spending more time with family and friends is substantially more rewarding.

3. Establish a writing routine.

Having a routine is a great way to remain and stay on track, even if you’re having a bad day. It keeps you in check and you can track your progress.

Creating plans and routines makes you accountable to yourself and, in a way, gives you clarity on what you should do. Having a plan or routine mapped out helps you to care for yourself. In the midst of your plans, taking time to rest during your everyday routine is key and important to your mental health

4. Reach out for help.

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with reaching out for help when you’re in dire need of it. When you reach out, you’re defying stigma and owning your weakness. We cant always be strong, express your vulnerability and reach out. No one is an island. Reach out to people in your circle and when you feel overwhelmed and everything seems to be falling apart, please reach out to a professional. Your mental health is important and it is important to seek help.

5. Stay Happy.

Happiness contributes largely to the state of your mental health,

Staying happy can make you mentally alert and eliminate the risk of anxiety and depression.

Find what makes you happy and engage in it.

Finding peace and joy within yourself is important. Also, happiness helps your writing because it creates a channel for ideas and inspiration to flow.

Stay mentally aware and mentally healthy.



Yetunde Asaolu
Science For Life

I write on Content Marketing, Customer Success, Data analysis, Mental health and emotional well-being, lifestyle and GOD. Welcome to my space