7 Yoga Poses You Must Master To Increase Your Natural Beauty Soon

Natural Radiance? Yoga is your buddy…

Vinuki Vidhara
Science For Life
7 min readJul 3, 2023


What is Yoga?

Yoga is a traditional technique which focuses on our physical postures and characteristics, mentality and breathing.

A woman doing yoga with the sun shining down on her
Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash

According to ancient texts such as the Rig Veda, yoga’s fundamental ethics lie within our mind, body and spirit.

The History of Yoga

Yoga first originated from a Hindu phrase called “yuj,” which means togetherness and union.

4 people holding hands together in union
Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash

This phrase dates back to 5000 years ago in some parts of Northern India.

Yoga has its emphasis on six categories based on different interests and a set of qualities. These categories include;

1. Hatha Yoga; body and soul

2. Raja Yoga; meditation and emphasis on the eight limbs

3. Karma Yoga; life without greed and hostility

4. Bhakti Yoga; acceptance and tolerance

5. Tantra Yoga; ritual or consummation

6. Jnana Yoga; knowledge and wisdom

During the 1890s, monks from India embarked on a mission to spread knowledge of yoga and are now recognized in Western Countries.

It is now practiced by one in seven adults according to surveys conducted all over the world.

The Benefits of Yoga

Yoga has the benefits of improving our flexibility and our posture, advancing the strength of our muscles and encouraging coordinated breathing.

A black woman practicing yoga in a straight posture and with coordinated breathing
Photo by madison lavern on Unsplash

Additionally, practising yoga boosts our cardiovascular system’s health, reduces our stress, and promotes spiritual growth and inner peace.

As this practice improves our balance and promotes inner reconciliation, it can provide positive outcomes on our inner beauty as well.

However, beauty is subjective and can be affected by our genes and other environmental influences.

Below are seven yoga poses that you must master to enhance your natural beauty.

01. Tadasana (Mountain Pose)

The Tadasana yoga pose is a standing pose which improves posture and balance.

A woman in an open space doing the Tadasana (mountain yoga pose) on a yoga mat
Photo by Sam Milam on Evolve

If the mountain pose is executed correctly, it will use every muscle, strengthening the thighs, abdomen and buttocks.

In addition, it encourages relaxation, allowing your natural beauty to shine through this confident posture.

How to do this pose?

1. Lay your feet shoulder-width apart firmly pressing on the ground

2. Slightly bend your knees and roll your shoulders backwards and keep them in line

3. Face your palms forward and stretch out your neck and keep a slight gaze to the front

4. Focus only on your breathing; keep it even

5. Hold this yoga pose for up to one minute and repeat

02. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Dog Pose)

This specific pose stretches out our lower body and our upper body, especially our shoulders, arms and abdomen.

In addition, this pose tunes our foot muscles, like the plantar fascia which connects the heel and the foot.

A black woman in yellow yoga attire doing the “downward dog yoga pose”
Photo by Natasha Rizopoulos and Ray Long on Yoga Journal

If well executed, it can improve walking and make you strong enough to handle more physically draining exercises.

This pose stimulates blood flow, refreshing your skin and providing a natural glow to your face.

How to do this pose?

1. Get down on your knees and place your hands on the ground

2. Lift your hips while straightening your legs and arms

3. Try to maintain a straight line in your pose from your hands to your hips

4. Keep your toes on the ground and release the pressure from your neck and shoulders

5. Hold this pose for one minute and repeat

03. Virabhadrasana II (Warrior II)

This yoga pose is considered tough because of its strict arrangement.

A woman in grey yoga attire doing the “Virabhadrasana II” yoga pose
Photo by Tonya Wetzel on YouAligned

It stretches your hips and shoulders, expands your chest, helps with backaches, improves concentration and gives stability.

Moreover, this pose maintains good blood flow through the body.

How to do this pose?

1. Step one foot to the front, with its knee bent at a 90-degree angle

2. Keep your back leg extended and your foot firmly on the ground

3. Extend your arms opposite to each other and slightly gaze towards the front

4. Keep your weight evenly distributed between both legs

5. Hold this position for about 1 minute and repeat on the opposite side

04. Vrikshasana (Tree Pose)

The tree pose makes you feel like a mighty tree with a sense of floating through your standing leg.

A black woman in green yoga attire doing the “tree yoga pose”
Photo by Natasha Rizopoulos and Ray Long on Yoga Journal

This pose involves your ankles, legs and core and challenges the tiny movements which help you stay balanced.

The importance is that it allows you to improve your posture and improve your poise.

You will feel a sense of inner peace when you master this pose.

How to do this pose?

1. Firstly, stand tall with your feet together

2. Place the soul of the opposite foot on your inner thigh by shifting all of your weight on one leg

3. To make it more challenging, clasp your hands together like you’re praying or stretch your hands like they’re branches. Hold this for 30 seconds.

05.Ustrasana (Camel Pose)

The camel pose has its important in strengthening your spine.

A woman in black yoga attire doing the “camel yoga pose” near a window in broad daylight
Photo by Nicole Baker on Yoga Practice

It works on your core strength and lets you reduce that stubborn stomach fat.

Likewise, this pose removes toxins from the blood, which makes your hair and skin look glamorous.

As the pose involves expanding your chest, it improves hormone function and works on your abdomen, relieving pain from menstrual cramps.

How to do this pose?

1. Kneel on the ground and place your hands on your back

2. Gently arch your back making your heart face the ceiling

3. Elongate your neck while slightly gazing upwards

4. If you are comfortably arching your back, rest your hands on your soles

5. Hold this position for 30 seconds

06. Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand Pose)

This pose can be quite challenging.

It improves blood flow to your brain, replenishing your cells and organs at the deepest level, thereby improving your natural beauty.

A woman in black yoga attire doing the “shoulder stand pose” in broad daylight
Photo by Amanda Tarlton on MindBodyGreen

If this pose is well-mastered, then your skin texture will be improved, reducing pimples and wrinkles.

Practising this pose will give you a sense of weightlessness and precision.

How to do this pose?

1. Lie on the ground and lift both of your legs upward

2. Lift your torso and hips off the ground and try to keep it straight as possible

3. Support your back with your hands

4. As a beginner, try to find your balance and the place where your weight is placed on your shoulders

5. Keep your head on the floor.

6. Hold the position for 1 minute and you can keep it longer when you master it.

07. Savasana (Corpse Pose)

It is practised as the last pose after your intense yoga session.

A woman in black yoga attire doing the “cobra yoga pose”
Photo by Alomoves on Alomoves

Since it is a pose that promotes relaxation, it ensures blood flows throughout your entire body, relieving your stress and tension.

It allows you to absorb all of the energy from your earlier yoga poses, gathering your body, mind and spirit into one piece.

Similarly, this pose embraces the state of serenity, allowing your natural radiance to shine.

How to do this pose?

1. Lie flat on your back, close your eyes and focus on your breathing

2. Hold on to this position as long as you need


True beauty depends not only on what’s seen outside, but the inside also matters.

Photo by Fleur Kaan on Unsplash

Be confident and accept who you are; practice yoga mindfully and develop your body and soul to unlock your true potential and natural beauty.

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Vinuki Vidhara
Science For Life

💊🔬Obsessed✍️Writer on Medium📢 Articles about Science, Health, Wellness & Productivity. Follow my Instagram for more: @lifesciwellness