8 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Website

Villas Ane
Science For Life
Published in
5 min readNov 16, 2022

You won’t wait any longer

Photo by Mimi Thian on Unsplash

Times have changed, and so has marketing. You can’t wait for someone to bump into your store while passing by and the likes. Who said there are idlers moving about without focus or concern for their time?

People are busy but easily drift off to their phones to check out for items/ services they want. How amazing that they should find you, portraying yourself as the best choice through your website.

You don’t want to be left out of this new tech boat that seems to move forward on a journey of no return. The internet is here to stay and people are loving it.

You may have a presence on social media, but there, you have limited control. It’s like renting a house, the demands of the owner can be endless.

So, here is why you should have a website for your business:

1. Home-sweet-home

Yes, you could be having a store or office space already and that is amazing. People walk in to close deals, inquire about something, or just know what you do. But mainly people in your geographical location.

What about all the other people who don’t pass near your business?

Don’t you want to serve them?

This is where a website comes in. It tells the visitors/ potential clients everything you have to offer no matter their location or time zone. It is your online home and your presence ensures the customers have 24/7 access. Keep it clean, clutter-free and search engine optimized. Remember that old tale; the first impression matters a lot. Cut to the chase, tell us about you, what you have to offer and why we should buy from you.

2. Credibility

People look up the internet for a lot of things. Customers knowing that you have an online presence can give you an edge over your competitors. And that’s good for business. To be seen as the best choice, have customers buy from you and make money.

You can see companies putting their web addresses on their business cards, packaging materials, and any written materials they put out there.

Plus, If I searched for something and your website gives me the answer, I will think you are the authority in this niche. I would love to buy from the very best since my money was hard-earned.

Have amazing testimonies from happy clients. Make your website professional enough. Promise to give the best services/goods and give the customers what you promised.

3. Marketing

Once you are online, potential customers can find you. Yes, you could just run ads to have your product/ services seen out there, but it's expensive over time.

Build your website and ensure maintenance and updates to it so that over time, you dominate the online space and people easily find you.

Show people you can solve their problems and they will buy from you. Even while you sleep, the marketing goes on. You wake up to new leads/sales. Just like that, how beautiful.

4. Information

Your website can relay information to many people at a go without the limit of location or time. You get to display your products and services to the eyes on the internet whenever and wherever.

With this in mind, make sure you describe your products and services as effectively as possible. People make a decision to leave or stay in your website depending on what they see. And when they hang around they can end up being customers. Isn’t this after all what your business wants?

Recently I visited a website that seemed like a home that was left for toddlers for weeks. Everything was everywhere. If there is an alternative place to look for whatever you want (and there are many), you run.

Keep the information there catchy but helpful. Make it easy for visitors to navigate. Then we will think you are the best (even if you aren’t ) and we will do business with you.

5. Branding

We want to connect with your business if it is great. If someone has gone to purchase a cloth from a major designer boutique in town, they would love to show -off it was from place X. They will believe it is the best even if they could get better in a simple boutique.

They willingly pay more to that business. So, getting yourself online is another way of building your image.

Get people to associate your business with excellence, modernity, and leaders in the industry.

It will cost you little but the investment will be worth it in time to come.

6. Accessibility

When you have a website, anyone can find you. You engage with potential customers through your website while you snore. If I wanted a web designer and have no clue where to start, I would ask google.

If your website is giving me all the answers and positive vibes, I will choose you, because who else doknow? Even if I can look around, do I know their works?

All this done in my own time and place. Buy a piece of land online so potential customers can easily access you. Also, you can limit those outlandish midnight calls from customers who want urgent information.

7. Save time and money

In these times when there is a lot to do, why wouldn’t you want to save yourself from some minor tasks and do something better?

Your website can appropriately handle some of those questions like where are you located? What do you do? What offers are available? And many more.

Invest in Search engine optimization (SEO) so you rank high on search engines and get more eyes to see your business. The ROI is amazing.

Over time, your website will bring in a lot of customers.

Just treat it well.

The rewards will come, and it will be so worthwhile.

8. Control your narrative

It is a free world you know. With the freedom to say what you want.

People like to spread negative vibes. You will do 99 things beautifully and word will barely be out there as much as when you do one miserable job.

You sure as heaven can decide to bring out the good in you. Spread the gospel of your marvelous works. Showcase the testimonies of satisfied customers. Tell us the exact services and good you offer. Then maybe we shall forget all the noise and believe what you say.

Customize your website, and have fresh content. As your business changes, so should the contents of your website or you will be misleading your potential customers with outdated information.

Final thoughts

The future is here. Businesses are facing cutting-throat competition. It is an era of survival of the fittest.

Instead of wondering why you need a website, you should consider asking yourself why your business doesn’t need a website.

Can you find some reasons? Do they outweigh the benefits of having a website?

Certainly not.

Get done with the indecision, start a website and it will make all the difference.

