A Shadow Over Childhood: Unveiling Pantothenate Kinase-Associated Neurodegeneration (PKAN)

Hayden Lim Khai Eun
Science For Life
Published in
6 min readApr 1, 2024

Pantothenate Kinase-Associated Neurodegeneration (PKAN), once known as Hallervorden-Spatz syndrome, casts a long shadow over the lives of children it afflicts. This rare, progressive neurodegenerative disorder steals away motor and cognitive function, leaving a trail of involuntary muscle contractions (dystonia) and iron deposits within the brain. Understanding this thief of childhood, from its intricate causes to potential treatments and future research avenues, becomes crucial in the fight to reclaim a brighter future for those diagnosed with PKAN.

A Genetic Mishap in Pantothenate Metabolism

PKAN unveils its story at the cellular level, where a genetic misstep disrupts a vital pathway. The culprit lies within a gene called PANK2, located on chromosome 20. This gene holds the blueprint for an enzyme known as pantothenate kinase. Pantothenate kinase acts like a keymaker, crafting a molecule called coenzyme A (CoA) from vitamin B5 (pantothenate). CoA plays a central role in energy production and fat metabolism within cells.

Mutations in the PANK2 gene lead to the production of faulty pantothenate kinase. This faulty enzyme struggles to create CoA, leading to a deficiency in cellular energy production and fat metabolism. The consequences are far-reaching. The brain, with its high energy demands, suffers immensely. Additionally, the imbalance in fat metabolism may lead to the accumulation of potentially toxic compounds within brain cells.

However, the story doesn’t end there. The faulty CoA production also disrupts a delicate iron homeostasis within the brain. Iron is an essential element for many cellular functions, but excess iron can be detrimental. In PKAN, the disrupted CoA pathway throws this balance off, leading to the abnormal accumulation of iron in specific brain regions, particularly the basal ganglia, an area crucial for movement control. This iron build-up contributes to the progressive neurodegeneration observed in PKAN.

Causes summarised: PKAN is primarily caused by mutations in the PANK2 gene, leading to impaired production of coenzyme A and subsequent neurodegeneration.

Diagnosis of PKAN

Diagnosing PKAN can be a complex puzzle, as symptoms often emerge subtly and can mimic other neurological conditions. Early signs may include clumsiness, gait abnormalities, and speech difficulties. As the disease progresses, dystonia, characterised by involuntary muscle contractions and abnormal postures, becomes a hallmark feature. Children with PKAN may experience rigidity, tremors, and difficulty with coordination.

Cognitive decline is another thief of function in PKAN. Affected individuals may experience memory problems, difficulty with learning, and behavioral changes. Vision impairment, particularly pigmentary retinal degeneration, can also occur.

The gold standard for diagnosis of PKAN is magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). MRI scans of the brain in PKAN patients reveal a characteristic finding called the “eye-of-the-tiger” sign, a distinct iron deposition pattern in the basal ganglia.

Genetic testing, looking for mutations in the PANK2 gene, can confirm the diagnosis. However, the presence of mutations alone may not always be sufficient for diagnosis, as some individuals may carry mutations without developing the full-blown disease. A detailed clinical evaluation remains vital for a definitive diagnosis.

Diagnosis of PKAN typically involves clinical evaluation, neuroimaging to detect characteristic signs like the “eye of the tiger” sign in the basal ganglia, genetic testing to confirm mutations in the PANK2 gene, and assessment of symptoms such as movement disorders and cognitive decline.

Treatment Options for PKAN

There is currently no cure for PKAN. However, a multi-pronged approach can help manage symptoms and improve quality of life for patients.

Levodopa, a medication that increases dopamine levels in the brain, can be helpful in managing some of the movement symptoms, particularly rigidity. Deep brain stimulation (DBS), a surgical procedure that involves implanting electrodes in the brain to regulate abnormal electrical activity, may also offer some relief from movement issues.

Physical and occupational therapy play a crucial role in managing muscle stiffness, improving coordination, and promoting independence in daily activities. Speech therapy can help address communication difficulties associated with PKAN.

Managing dystonia often requires a combination of medications, including muscle relaxants, anticholinergics, and medications that target specific neurotransmitters involved in movement control. Botulinum toxin injections can also provide localised relief from dystonia in some cases.

Iron chelation therapy, which removes excess iron from the body, has been explored as a potential treatment for PKAN. However, the effectiveness of this approach is still under investigation.

Nutritional supplementation with high doses of vitamin B5 (pantothenate) has been used in some cases, with anecdotal reports of potential benefit. However, more robust clinical trials are needed to establish the efficacy and safety of this approach.

A Glimpse into the Future: Research on the Horizon

Researchers are actively exploring new avenues for treating PKAN, relentlessly pursuing methods to reclaim stolen function and restore a brighter future for children diagnosed with this condition. Gene therapy, a technique that aims to introduce a healthy copy of the PANK2 gene into affected cells, stands as a beacon of hope on the horizon. Early-stage clinical trials are currently underway to evaluate the safety and efficacy of gene therapy for PKAN. This approach has the potential to address the root cause of the disease, potentially halting or even reversing the neurodegenerative process.

Another promising approach involves the manipulation of cellular pathways downstream of the faulty pantothenate kinase enzyme. Researchers are investigating the possibility of administering CoA precursors, molecules that can be readily converted into functional CoA within cells. This strategy could bypass the dysfunctional pantothenate kinase and ensure adequate CoA levels, potentially mitigating the cellular consequences of the PANK2 mutations.

Furthermore, scientists are delving deeper into the intricate mechanisms underlying iron accumulation in PKAN. Understanding the specific pathways involved in iron homeostasis within the brain could pave the way for the development of more targeted therapies to prevent or reverse iron buildup. This could involve medications that chelate iron more effectively within the brain or drugs that regulate iron transport mechanisms across the blood-brain barrier.

Additionally, the hunt for biomarkers, measurable indicators of disease activity, is ongoing. Biomarkers could be used to track disease progression, assess treatment response, and potentially facilitate earlier diagnosis. These could be specific molecules found in the blood or cerebrospinal fluid, or even subtle changes detectable on advanced brain imaging techniques.

The exploration of neuroprotective strategies also holds promise. These approaches aim to protect vulnerable brain cells from the damaging effects of the disease process. This might involve medications that mitigate oxidative stress, a cellular imbalance that contributes to neurodegeneration, or therapies that enhance the survival and function of brain cells.

Finally, researchers are delving into the realm of personalised medicine, tailoring treatment strategies to the specific genetic makeup and clinical presentation of each individual with PKAN. This approach acknowledges the potential variability within the disease and aims to optimise treatment for each patient.

While there is still much to be discovered, the ongoing research efforts offer a glimmer of hope for those battling PKAN. With continued exploration, the future may hold the key to unlocking effective treatments and ultimately a cure for this devastating childhood disorder.

Research into PKAN treatment shows promise, with potential avenues including gene therapy, targeted drug development, and deep brain stimulation to alleviate symptoms and slow disease progression.


PKAN, once shrouded in uncertainty, is now a battleground where dedicated researchers fight for a future where stolen childhoods are reclaimed. The journey has just begun, but the weapons in this fight are becoming more precise — gene therapy, metabolic bypass strategies, targeted iron chelation, and personalised medicine. While the path ahead may be long, the unwavering spirit of those living with PKAN, coupled with the relentless pursuit of science, fuels the unwavering hope for a day when this thief of function is vanquished, replaced by a future brimming with possibility. The once-distant horizon of a cure now shimmers closer, a testament to the unwavering human spirit that seeks not just to survive, but to thrive in the face of adversity.

While PKAN is a challenging condition, ongoing research and advancements in treatment offer hope for improved management and quality of life for individuals affected by this disorder.



Hayden Lim Khai Eun
Science For Life

I am Hayden, a high school student from Singapore. The articles I write are mostly science-based, although you may see some exceptions. It's my blog after all.