Allow yourself to fall

Science For Life
Published in
3 min readApr 10, 2022

Imagine that there is a medium-thick log on the ground in front of you and you need to walk on it. You calmly walk again and again and with full confidence. And what if the log is raised to a height of one and a half meters you still able to walk through it, but with less confidence. Now imagine the same log, but already thrown over the canyon like a bridge. It is frightening to say the least, but is it not the same log on which you passed with such ease when it was lying on the ground? After all, you know it you have walked on it, but to know is not enough. You no longer believe that you will pass. You do not believe because you are afraid. You are afraid because you don’t believe. If you walk with such fear, you will most definitely fall. Now let’s try to understand what is happening. A physiologist will say that this is the result of involuntary movements and changes in the flow of impulses leading from the muscles of the body and this caused a loss of balance. But why this did not happen on the same log when she was lying on the ground, because the subconscious has its own unaccountable logic of perception. In action to express this logic in words in this case it is possible approximately so the first log is thick enough to pass low to fall it is not dangerous to fall so you don’t take that into account and walk through it with. The log that is thrown across canyon is all the same log but with height of the fall from it is too dangerous. So this time you take into account this probability and try hard to not fall. As you walk by it your mind keep thinking about not falling and here is the paradox your desire to not fall increases probability of falling.

Similarly, people who stutterer often stutters because of they constantly worrying and trying not stutter. Why is it so difficult not to spill a glass full of water if you are told not to spill a drop. This is all the same mechanism of turning fear into reality because of the emotional displacement of internal probabilities, the subconscious logic is to blame for it all. The same mechanism by which forbidden fruit is always sweet.

Well, let’s get back to our first question who will pass a high log. Of course, specially trained acrobat. He will pass freely and easily even juggling while he’s at it. Because of his training to ignore the height he is able to pass through it. Another person is a deeply hypnotized man who is compelled either to think that the log is low. A man who flees, or rather runs to escape mortal danger. The reason why they all will be able to not fall is because they are not afraid to fall.

Of course, this is just a hypothetical example indeed we may not need to walk on logs over the canyon in our life, but each of us is full of such logs and it can be anything. A paradoxical state can occur in everyone it occurs in the more important for us moments of our life if we learn to control ourselves learn to reduce the fear over losing, failing and so on, then we can easily walk on such logs over the canyon and never fall. The first thing to do is to allow yourself to fall, no matter how strange it may sound to you now. Allow yourself to fall and you may well never fall again.



Science For Life

Writer, like to motivate people who are struggling.