Are We Getting Dumber? A Scientific Look into Human Intelligence

Hayden Lim Khai Eun
Science For Life
Published in
8 min readJan 6, 2024
As technology evolves, are humans getting (quite ironically) dumber?

1. Introduction: The concept of intelligence and its measurement

The meaning of intelligence

Intelligence is a fascinating, yet elusive concept. It encompasses a wide range of mental abilities, from problem-solving and logical reasoning to creative thinking and emotional intelligence. We often associate intelligence with academic success or IQ scores, but it’s true nature goes beyond those narrow definitions.

The history of intelligence testing

The quest to measure intelligence has a long and sometimes questionable history. One of the earliest attempts was Alfred Binet’s development of the first intelligence test in the early 20th century. Since then, various tests have emerged, such as the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales and the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, each attempting to capture the diverse facets of human intelligence.

2. Evolution of human intelligence: From the past to the present

The role of intelligence in early human survival

Intelligence played a crucial role in the survival and success of our early ancestors. The ability to adapt, solve problems, and communicate effectively provided an evolutionary advantage. It allowed early humans to navigate complex environments, create tools, and form social bonds, ultimately paving the way for our modern intellect.

How intelligence has evolved over time

While it is challenging to trace the precise evolution of intelligence, evidence suggests that human intelligence has undergone significant changes over the ages. Factors such as brain size, social complexity, and cultural development have all contributed to the evolution of our cognitive abilities. However, it is important to note that intelligence is a complex trait influenced by numerous factors, making it difficult to pinpoint a singular explanation.

There are many types of intelligence, thus judging the intelligence of humans on the basis of IQ tests may be misleading.

3. Factors influencing human intelligence: Nature VS Nurture

How is someone smarter than others?

The brain is a focal point in understanding intelligence. Structural and functional neuroimaging studies have identified associations between brain characteristics and cognitive abilities. Regions such as the prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, and parietal lobes are implicated in tasks related to executive function, memory, and problem-solving. Variations in the size, connectivity, and efficiency of these brain regions may contribute to individual differences in intelligence.

Neurotransmitters, the molecular messengers facilitating communication between neurons, are critical to cognitive function. Dopamine, in particular, has been linked to working memory and cognitive flexibility, while serotonin influences mood and cognitive processing. Variability in the levels and functioning of these neurotransmitters, determined by genetic and environmental factors, can modulate cognitive performance.

The concept of neuroplasticity, the brain’s capacity to adapt and reorganise, adds another layer to the biological basis of intelligence. Individual differences in neuroplasticity influence learning and memory, with some individuals exhibiting heightened adaptability in response to experiences and environmental stimuli. This adaptability contributes to the flexibility of cognitive processes, influencing intellectual abilities.

Epigenetic factors, alterations in gene expression without changes to the underlying DNA sequence, also play a role in shaping intelligence. Environmental influences, such as early childhood experiences and exposure to stimulating or stressful environments, can modify epigenetic markers. These modifications may influence the expression of genes associated with cognitive function, contributing to the variability in intelligence observed across individuals.

Beyond genetics, environmental factors significantly impact intelligence. Adequate nutrition during critical periods of brain development is crucial for optimal cognitive function. Environmental enrichment, access to quality education, and socioeconomic factors further shape cognitive abilities. The influence of these environmental factors is intertwined with genetic predispositions, creating a dynamic interplay that shapes an individual’s intelligence.

Illustration of the Human Brain

The search for intelligence-related genes

Scientists have been on a quest to uncover the genetic basis of intelligence. Through complex studies involving thousands of individuals, researchers have identified several genes that may be associated with intelligence. However, it is crucial to remember that intelligence is a complex trait influenced by multiple genes, and the interaction between genes and environment is still not fully understood.

The debate between genetics and environment

The age-old debate of nature versus nurture continues to shape our understanding of intelligence. Some argue that genetic factors predominantly determine our intellectual capabilities, while others emphasise the role of environmental factors, such as education and socioeconomic conditions. In reality, both aspects interact in intricate ways, influencing the development of intelligence.

4. The Flynn effect: Are we really getting smarter?

An overview of the Flynn effect

Intriguingly, numerous studies have shown a consistent rise in average IQ scores over the past century, a phenomenon known as the Flynn effect. This suggests that people today perform better on intelligence tests compared to previous generations. However, the reasons behind this trend are still subject to debate and speculation.

Possible explanations for the Flynn effect

Several theories attempt to explain the Flynn effect, including improved nutrition, increased access to education, changes in test-taking strategies, and societal changes that value abstract reasoning. These factors, among others, may have contributed to the rise in measured intelligence. However, it is important to note that IQ scores are just one aspect of intelligence and may not capture the full complexity of human cognitive abilities.

Challenges to the idea of increasing intelligence

While the Flynn effect suggests a rise in average IQ scores, it does not necessarily imply an increase in overall intelligence. Intelligence is a multifaceted concept, and changes in test performance may reflect specific areas of cognitive ability rather than a general rise in intellectual capacity. Furthermore, some argue that the Flynn effect may reach a plateau or even reverse in the future. As our world continues to evolve, so too must our understanding of intelligence.

Other case studies that challenge the Flynn Effect

From 1962 to 1991, scientists studied nearly 750,000 Norwegian men. Their research, which was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in June 2018, showed the Flynn Effect continued until 1975, when IQ levels abruptly began to decline. And steeply — some seven IQ points per generation. However, it is important to note that various confounding variables, such as socio-economic status, access to healthcare, and environmental factors, can influence cognitive development. Additionally, the study’s findings are based on a specific sample of Norwegian men, and over generalizing these results to other populations would be fallacious. Additionally, we should take on a multidimensional lens when analysing intelligence, especially since IQ Tests only examine an aspect of intelligence.

Source: WorldAtlas

5. The impact of technology on human intelligence

The effects of technology on cognitive abilities

In today’s technology-driven world, it’s hard to ignore the impact of smartphones, social media, and constant access to information on our cognitive abilities. Many argue that technology is making us dumber, claiming that our attention spans are shorter and critical thinking skills are diminishing. While it’s true that technology can affect our cognitive abilities, it’s important to understand that it’s not all negative. Studies have shown that technology can improve certain cognitive functions, such as visual-spatial skills and problem-solving abilities.

The role of technology in shaping intelligence

Technology has undoubtedly shaped the way we think and process information. With search engines at our fingertips, we have become quick to gather information but may rely less on our memory and analytical thinking. However, the ability to adapt to new technologies is also a form of intelligence. Our brains are remarkably plastic, and they can rewire themselves to accommodate new skills and knowledge required in the digital age.

“Is TikTok making us dumber?”

Short-form content on TikTok and similar platforms is designed for quick consumption, potentially impacting attention spans and information processing. Critics argue that constant exposure to short, attention-grabbing videos may contribute to a preference for brief, superficial information over more in-depth content. Moreover, TikTok’s algorithm curates content based on user preferences, potentially creating filter bubbles where users are exposed to content that aligns with their existing beliefs and interests. This could limit exposure to diverse perspectives and information, influencing the depth of knowledge acquired through the platform.

However, TikTok has become a platform where users share knowledge on diverse topics, including science, history, and practical skills. Educational content creators leverage the platform to engage audiences in innovative ways. Therefore, TikTok can offer unique educational opportunities, challenging the notion that it inherently makes users dumber. Ultimately, the impact of TikTok on intelligence depends on how users engage with the platform. Passive consumption of mindless or trivial content may not contribute positively to intellectual development. Regardless, users who actively seek out educational content and engage critically with the platform can have a more enriching experience.

Debunking myths about technology’s impact on intelligence

Contrary to popular belief, technology itself does not determine our intelligence. It is merely a tool that can enhance or hinder certain cognitive abilities. The key is to strike a balance between utilising technology to our advantage while also engaging in activities that promote critical thinking, creativity, and social interaction. So, don’t worry, your smartphone isn’t out to make you dumber, but it’s up to you to use it responsibly.

Source: Cielo24

6. Education and intelligence: Exploring the role of education in cognitive development

The relationship between education and intelligence

Clearly, education plays a crucial role in shaping our intelligence. It provides us with knowledge, critical thinking skills, and opportunities for intellectual growth. While intelligence may have a genetic component, education can significantly impact cognitive development and enhance our intellectual capabilities.

The impact of different educational approaches on intelligence

Different educational approaches can have varying effects on intelligence. Traditional methods that emphasise rote memorization may focus on specific types of intelligence, such as linguistic and logical-mathematical abilities. However, more progressive approaches that promote creativity, problem-solving, and social skills can help develop a broader range of intelligences, including interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligence.

Addressing educational disparities in intelligence

It is important to address educational disparities to ensure that all individuals have equal access to educational opportunities. Socioeconomic factors can greatly influence intelligence, as children from disadvantaged backgrounds may not have access to quality education. By providing equal opportunities and resources, we can help bridge the gap and ensure that intelligence is not solely determined by one’s socioeconomic background.

7. Afterword: Are humans truly getting dumber or is our perception misguided?

After examining the impact of technology, education, and genetics on human intelligence, it becomes clear that our perception of getting dumber may be misguided. Intelligence is a complex and multifaceted construct, influenced by various factors. While technology and artifical intelligence can hinder certain cognitive abilities, it also offers opportunities for growth. Education plays a crucial role in shaping intelligence, and addressing disparities can ensure equal opportunities. Lastly, genetics plays a part, but it’s the interaction between genes and environment that shapes our intelligence.

So, if you were wondering whether TikTok (or Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, Youtube and other social media platforms for that matter) was making you dumber, here’s the politically and scientifically correct answer: It purely depends on how you use it.



Hayden Lim Khai Eun
Science For Life

I am Hayden, a high school student from Singapore. The articles I write are mostly science-based, although you may see some exceptions. It's my blog after all.