Can Acne Be Avoided?

Addressing one of the most common skin diseases all around the world.

Fiza Ameen
Science For Life
3 min readJun 23, 2021


The image by Caleb Woods on Unsplash

If you write Acne in your Google or YouTube search bar, you would get hundreds of ideas on how to avoid Acne in less than one second. But the point is do they really work? Or should I say, why sometimes they don’t work?

Science has something to say about it.

Acne can be lessened, acne can be controlled but you can never avoid acne.

According to experts, the most common causes of acne are,

  • Excess oil (sebum)
  • Bacteria
  • Inflammation
  • Genetic factors
  • And most importantly, androgen hormones

Yes, you can reduce the consequences of these factors by several habits and medications but you cannot avoid them altogether.

Timely treatment is a must to avoid scarring the skin and breakouts of pimples but try as you might, there is no prevention. There is a cure, but no prevention, or so Science tells.

Mayo Clinic Research Paper tells,

“Effective acne treatments are available, but acne can be persistent. The pimples and bumps heal slowly, and when one begins to go away, others seem to crop up.”

That’s why for some people all those homemade or medical treatments work to lessen their acne.

But others again get pimples as soon as they quit intaking those medicines in their teen years or adulthood(in some cases).

Some Myths about acne prevention:

Many myths on acne are common too.

Like stress can cause acne, and by reducing stress you can avoid acne. But the reality is, stress can aggravate acne but is not the primary cause of acne.

Another common myth is related to food. Some people think that food has a role in developing acne on your skin, but again, some foods can worsen the skin issues, and reducing them may save you that explosive acne.

Another, one is more common. That is dirty skin can cause acne. But acne a problem that emerges from inside the skin as discussed.

External factors can aggravate your skin acne or they can reduce it for you. But you can do little to completely get rid of pimples.

Usually, acne goes away on its own once hormonal balance is attained. And if it doesn’t, again there are internal factors.

What did you get from this article?

Acne is an exasperating journey. Can shatter the confidence of the patient, and can leave permanent impressions on the face. And the bad news is, there is no way to avoid it completely.

Things can be done to minimize it, but once you leave these medications, it claws its way out as long as you have some internal imbalances.

Things get better with time. Your acne is persistent, so are you. All you need to do is never give up skincare no matter how longer you face this.

So, it’s better to know you can only suppress your acne, cannot do away with it.

Thanks for Reading!



Fiza Ameen
Science For Life

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