Caring too much about what others think?

Science For Life
Published in
2 min readSep 15, 2023
Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels


Caring is good. But caring too much up to a point where most of your actions, words, and feelings are catered to others is toxic.

But this is the sad reality for most of us. We tend to care way too much about other's opinions, thoughts and judgments but far too less about our own.

Aren’t we human too? Aren’t our opinions important? Our thoughts and judgments of ourselves?

We need to start caring more about what we think of ourselves rather than what others do. We spend the most time with ourselves. We know ourselves the best. We know our strengths and weaknesses, our egos and insecurities the best. More than anyone.

We should be the judge of ourselves. Not them.

We should love ourselves more than others do. We have to be our own best friend. We ought to let go of this toxic behavior of caring too much about other's opinions and start caring about our own.

Over-caring is toxic and has many effects on us like- fear of judgement, not being ourselves, holding back on our wants, and even depression.

We need to stop this toxic behavior and love ourselves.



Science For Life

Hey there! I write about my personal experiences & thoughts on Self-Improvement, Philosophy, Health & More.