COVID-19 — A battle more to be fought by Mind than Medicines

Shashank Singhal
Science For Life
Published in
7 min readMay 15, 2021

The story of about how Me and my close ones are fighting the battle

Starting with a Big Sorry to all my followers and friends for being away for some time from here as I was down with the COVID for past few weeks. Here I would like to share my experience of How it started and the remedies that we took to overcome this. Also, I would like to share the lessons that I learned from it.

How it Started

It was the start of April month when one of my family members started feeling some weakness and planned to take rest for the day. So, we thought it might be due to some excess work or improper sleep that he might be feeling the same as none of us were going out from past few days. Even if we had to we were changing the clothes and taking baths after every visit so thought of virus was not at all there in our mind.

The next day he said he didn’t like to see the food and was not able to eat much… We thought it might be due to Jaundice, but there were no signs for the same on checking. Somehow, he had some food and took rest again for the whole day.

The Doctor

The next day as her wife started to have cough and fever, similar symptoms were shown in their son also. We understood there is something wrong and we started distancing ourselves and took them to Doctor. Here I would like to give some special thanks to this Dr. , he is really doing a great job… When few of the high profile Dr. are busy giving tons of medicines costing around Rs. 10,000–15,000(which is not even the per month salary for a major portion of the society) and charging huge sums for just few minutes of checking the patient’s report online, he is not even charging the regular consultancy fees and taking only the medicine cost that also ranges from Rs. 35- Rs. 200 for a day.

When I visited this Dr. I knew that the Dr. is aware that most of the patients are having symptoms of the Virus, but as most of his patients belonged to Lower Class OR Lower Middle Class, he didn’t want to create a chaos for them. So, he said to most of them that its seasonal fever and they will get better soon.

At first, I was shocked Why one would hide the truth and not ask the individuals to go for a RT-PCR or CT Scan straight away. But later I realized it. (will share it in sometime)

The Spread of Virus

Soon after taking the medicine of this Dr. the family person started improving and showing good results, we got bit relaxed and took his wife and son also to the same Dr. but while this time unknowingly the virus has spread to us also but there were no symptoms as of now.

A week passed since all this started and the person who was the first to show symptoms was better after having medicine for 3 days, his wife was getting better as we took the right decision to take her to Dr. at the right time and we were able to stop it. But his son had huge cough and was taking the medicines.

At this time, I was totally unaware that I also have the virus as there were no symptoms only a bit of weakness on weekend apart from that everything was going fine. But suddenly, after taking rest for the weekend on Tuesday I felt no Smell so tried to smell something but I wasn’t, it scared me.. I quickly ran & tried to smell the perfume, but it felt like nothing.

Fighting Back

After developing the symptoms like fever(99–100'C), loss of smell, cough, pain in throat and weakness, I knew I had to do something and get cured as soon as possible.
But hearing the death cases of our relatives and friends was breaking us inside and the daily news which showed how the medical facilities are collapsing due to lack of Oxygen and medicines amplified this.

So after consulting the Dr. and taking medicines for 3 days I was feeling better as fever and weakness was gone and now had to fight only the cough and get my sense of smell back.

After reading few articles and listening to the advice of my parents and some ayurvedic doctors, I was clear that smell can take up to 3 weeks to 6 months to return back, and cough is the main culprit that needs to be cleared as soon as possible. And we devised a plan to overcome COVID…

So the real struggle starts here, will try to group the actions in different sections for ease…

The Basics:- The first thing that I started was doing Gargles daily(1 time) with hot water, turmeric and salt. After that had a glass of hot water sometimes throughout the day. The next regulation was made for the food, we stopped eating anything cold that is directly taken out of the refrigerator, either it was heated or left in open for 15–20 min before eating.

The Yoga:- Soon after waking up and getting fresh, we did yoga at least for half an hour, mostly including breathing exercises and few other(simple and easy ones). This really helped a lot not directly fighting corona but helped in building the immune system stronger.

The Food:- This plays an important role as what goes in is what reflected outside, means whichever type of food we take in the same type of immunity and health we develop.
So, we started eating only pure and healthy food like Broken Wheat(Dalia) in breakfast, Pure wheat chapatis, pulses and green vegetables for lunch and dinner, Roasted gram flour(sattu) in evening. Apart from this we also took lemon juice in plain water, hand made pickles and butter milk or aam panna.
One more important thing here is Tea with Tulsi, Black pepper & Lemon.

Last but not the least, also the most important thing in this fight is The Positive Mindset. I know in such hard times when every now or then we hear the news of so much chaos and deaths in our country, state, city, neighborhood, relatives it is the hardest thing to keep… But still we have to if we want to win this war against an invisible enemy.
You may try anything to divert your mind like if binge watch your favorite movie/series (If you want you can get some hint of shows from here), play games(indoor/outdoor), chat with friends and family avoiding the pandemic topic OR if you are spiritual person you can devote some time praying to gods( I personally recommend this, pray for some time even if you are not so much spiritual or believe in God).

The Extras

This would be a bonus for all my readers, it includes most of the home remedies that were being used in old days and really work(up to some extend).

  1. Oxygen :- Monitoring my oxygen level continuously sometime made me freak out when the meter showed readings below 94 -93(but above 90). So, I used to smell Camphor most of the times.. Truly saying it works have tried it many times with oximeter also reading improved 4–5 points. Second thing that I did was trying to rest in proning position daily.
  2. Cough :- This is seriously one of the biggest problem in COVID for this we came up with a unique solution that actually works.. Before sleeping we use to eat a piece of jaggery and sleep.. Just keep it in mouth and let it dissolve on its own, then don’t drink water for next 1–2 hrs.' and the next morning the cough is gone(not full but yes you can feel the difference). On repeating this for next couple of days the cough was all gone.


Now, the reason how I realized Why someone would give false hope and hide the truth of virus. So, the truth is in this hard times when every now and then we heard the news of losing someone known OR relative the most important thing is to keep up the Hope and a positive mindset, and for Lower class people who are not even financially strong losing hope was more easy seeing the extra long bills… So, at some level I felt not telling the full truth of illness was better to maintain the positive mindset among his patients.

A short note of my personal Diet Plan

My Diet Plan

A quick summary for DO’s and DONT’s

A quick note of DO’s & DONT’s

Please Note:- The above description is about how I fought the COVID-19 having infected with mild symptoms and do not force you to follow this routine.
Its still highly recommended to follow the directions of the Dr. and consult him/her as soon as you feel any symptoms.
Also, don’t forget to use mask, sanitizers, and soaps and always maintain some distance.

Thanks A lot Guys… See You soon with some more interesting posts and will soon start publishing new articles for Data Visualization.

You can know more About Me here.

Be Safe… Stay Home… Wear a Mask… Maintain Social Distance… AND Get Vaccinated… !!! 🙂

