Day 1 of My Gratitude Challenge

Join me as we spend the next 30 days writing 3 things each morning we are grateful for and transform your life.

Tyler Lubben BBA
Science For Life


Photo by Ignacio Moreira on Unsplash

I’m trying something new with this post. I’m starting a daily challenge where I’ll write as much and as quickly as I can about GRATITUDE for 5 minutes. Positive thinking can change our lives; I want to make it a habit. I challenge all my readers to take on the same challenge and see how positivity can change our lives.

Beginning of Day 1

Our mind can be a funny thing. It’s still unknown how a lot of it works. But what we focus on more times than not will be what we receive. So why not focus on the positive? I aim to retrain my thoughts and be grateful for the little things. Three things I’m currently grateful for are

1. My wife. It can be all too easy to get swept up in the daily grind and not fully appreciate our spouse. I am taking intentional time right now to appreciate her profound impact on my life. She has made me the person I am today, and I’m immensely thankful for that. She has opened my eyes to new experiences and unique ways of viewing the world. She has brought me more joy than she’ll ever know and is the biggest blessing I’ve ever received.

2. Time. I’m honestly thankful for the time I have on this earth. None of us know when that’ll end, which makes it all the more precious. I’m thankful I have time to write, time to be grateful. I’m blessed I am able to momentarily pause and reflect on the good. Time is irreplaceable, and I want to become more intentional with its use.

3. This one ties in with the previous one, but I’m immensely thankful for my health. I’m thankful I get more time with my loved ones and more time being free to live. Health is something that can be too easy to take for granted until we lose it. My goal is to truly think about it and live in an intentional manner that respects the preciousness of our health.

Thank you for reading my quickly written thoughts. I hope your main takeaway is to see the good in the world and make a habit of jotting three things you’re grateful for daily.

Hey! Thank you for being a reader! If you enjoyed reading my writing, I would be truly grateful if you were to buy me a coffee. It definitely would provide a nice jolt of motivation.



Tyler Lubben BBA
Science For Life

Travel, Writing Advice and Finance Writer. Published Author.