Yetunde Asaolu
Science For Life
Published in
2 min readSep 7, 2021


Dealing with an imposter syndrome

engin akyurt on Unsplash

Have you ever had to say that; ‘why would anyone read my book,

‘why would anyone pay to hear me speak’, ‘I can not be as good as her’, ‘Why would anyone marry someone like me’, ‘that person is better than me’, All the above statements point to an imposter syndrome playing out .It is a feeling that you don’t belong

Have you ever felt like you are not deserving of a particular thing or you distrust your own talents and super abilities, then you might be suffering from imposter syndrome.

Imposter syndrome is a condition in which you struggle to accept your achievements, distrust your own talents and feel like a fraud.

Research has shown that sometimes, childhood memories

such as the feeling that you were never better than your mates and your grades were never good enough might impact negatively on the biological make-up of a child into adulthood.

Some persons have also internalized that in other to be loved, they must achieve something and it becomes a recurring cycle

How to overcome imposter syndrome

1. Break the silence; getting yourself a self development coach and speaking to a psychologist is key and important in your quest to breaking free from the imposter syndrome

2. Feed your mind; the only way to stop acting and feeling like an impostor is to stop thinking like one. Your thoughts are key in pursuit of your healing. Cultivate a positive mental attitude towards everything and situations around you.

3. Deliberately and genuinely let go of perfectionism; understanding and realizing that you cannot be perfect no matter what you do or hard you try is a great way to helping you out of imposter syndrome.

4. Quit setting unrealistic standards for yourself

Impostor syndrome affects a lot of people who are exceptional achievers, while it is perfect to set high standards for yourself, clamp down on unrealistic expectations that might stand in your way and make room for mistakes and imperfections.

5. The beautiful thing is that you are not alone, research has shown that a lot of people are plagued by imposter syndrome in their lifetime. Establish a support network. Surround yourself with people who are supportive and bring positivity to you.

6. Believe you’re more and quit overthinking.



Yetunde Asaolu
Science For Life

I write on Content Marketing, Customer Success, Data analysis, Mental health and emotional well-being, lifestyle and GOD. Welcome to my space