Do these 8 things to live a happier life

Science For Life
Published in
5 min readJun 30, 2023
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Pexels

Isn’t the goal of life to be as happy as you can? Even though most of us look for happiness in external things, happiness lies in the mind of an individual.

Yes, this may sound very cliche but it’s true. We’ve all seen people who have few to no material possessions and are as happy as an individual can be. And then there are people who have it all, yet feel empty inside. Yes, material possessions make us really happy, but this isn’t the core of being happy.

Happiness is an emotion, and emotion doesn’t last for long when it is caused by something external. What lasts is an emotion that originates from within and doesn’t have an external driving force. This blog gives you an insight into how I think we can attain long-lasting happiness.

Here are 8 of them:

1) Focus On The Now
Are you stressed about what the future holds or are you feeling sad about past experiences? Constant overthinking about the past or the future is like a one-way ticket to anxiety, feeling low and being unmotivated. We all do this unconsciously and we have a tough time doing what we are meant to be doing; living, being present, and enjoying what life has to give us NOW. Think about it, why do we feel so good when we hit the beach, watch a movie, play a board game with our friends and family or talk to that special someone? It is because we barely pay attention to what happened yesterday or what is due tomorrow, and we are focused on what is happening at the present moment. Think about going to the beach, and you’re constantly thinking about what a bad day you’re going to have because of something that may happen tomorrow. The beach doesn’t seem much fun now does it? This is why being present and mindful and enjoying the now helps us be happier, instantly. Just breathe, enjoy what you’re doing, and meditate; these things help you be in the now.

2) Stop Expecting Too Much
When expectations don’t come true, it usually leads to disappointment or frustration and mostly unhappiness. These expectations may be towards yourself or other people, either way, don’t overdo it. Putting your keys to happiness in another person’s pocket, and expecting them to unlock the door to what you want is just going to leave you disappointed. Don’t expect too much from others. And when it comes to yourself, don’t focus on the results of your work so much. Enjoy the process of doing what you love, this will help you do your best. So don’t expect too much in life, the results may not always be what you wanted. Make the best out of what you get!

3) Think Right
Often we do not pay attention to what we think; our thoughts influence our mind and behaviour and ultimately how we feel. Have you ever noticed that when you’re having a bad, your thoughts also are on the negative side? And when you feel good your minds construct positive thought patterns? This isn’t a coincidence. Our thoughts and feelings are connected. This is just how our brains are wired. Positive thinking is a good practice. Stop the negative thought patterns you have and you will seriously see a change in your life. Positive affirmations are helpful. Repeat them to yourself when you wake up and when you’re sleeping for just a day and see how your day goes. Have thoughts that help you do better in life or a particular situation.

4) Do It For You
When was the last time you treated yourself or worked on yourself? If you usually don’t, then you should, regularly. Working on yourself is an excellent practice as this leaves you feeling satisfied, happy and more confident. Working on your goals gives you a sense of accomplishment and feelings of content with where you are in your life and alone time can also help you rewind and think about life in a positive way. So spend some time with and on yourself, it truly fills you up with happiness and purpose.

5) Help Others
Have you ever helped someone with something that it made their life easier or it made them feel better or truly changed their life? If you haven’t, you definitely should. And if you have, you can recall that it was one of those fulfilling moments in life. Helping others can be done in many different ways like helping your friend through a bad phase in life, helping a blind person cross the road or helping the needy through charity. Whatever it may be, helping another soul can make you immensely happy. It generates a feeling of love, care and kindness which automatically makes one happy.

Excluding these points, these are a few things you can do to help your body function better which definitely helps in boosting your mood -

6) Exercise
A happy mind goes hand in hand with a well-functioning body. Regular exercise helps our body produce an increase in the amount of endorphins, dopamine and serotonin which are the chemical compounds in our body that transmit the feelings like pleasure, well-being and happiness to our brain. So make sure you hit the gym, do yoga, go for a long walk or even take a Zumba class.

7) Eat Healthy
This is one of the most helpful things you can do to see instant results in your mood. Eating excessive amounts of food or eating junk food on a regular basis has been shown to increase inflammation and oxidative stress. Eating excessive amounts of sugar can cause mood swings and even depression. Junk foods have a high amount of calories, fat and sugar with fewer amounts of nutrients whereas healthy foods are packed with vitamins and nutrients ( whole foods, natural foods) which helps you balanced energy levels throughout the day. Make sure you eat healthy and fresh food and don’t overeat. Eat heavier meals in the daytime and avoid eating much at night as this can lead to lower quality of sleep, which brings us to our last point.

8) Get The Right Amount Of Sleep
Sleep helps us recover from mental and physical exertion and helps maintain our mental and physical health. Sleep promotes the growth and restoration of brain cells. Lack of proper sleep can lead to feelings of anxiety, stress, depression and mental fatigue. And oversleeping can cause diabetes, obesity, anxiety and low productivity levels and low energy. Get the right amount of sleep which is above 8 hours on average in a week.

I’ve experienced a change in my mood on a regular basis by following at least 60% of these points. But you do need to be consistent and you can’t expect the results very soon. It takes time. Do it for a week and you’ll see the results.

Just try, just start. You got this! Best Wishes!



Science For Life

Hey there! I write about my personal experiences & thoughts on Self-Improvement, Philosophy, Health & More.