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Do We Have Wrong Perception About Perception Management?

Romani Shashidhar
Science For Life
Published in
4 min readAug 5, 2021


Honesty | Relationship |Discovery |

We all have come across this word — at workplace, business set-up, with clients. Dictionary says — Perception is how we think about a particular person, situation, event, or anything that triggers an emotion or belief.

In majority of situations, we connect this terminology to our workplace, with colleagues, with clients — where we THINK stakes are high and we focus on what others think about us, not very much about what we think about others.

In my view — It’s like two sides of a coin. Both sides matter. What you think about others and What others think or don’t think about you.

Unlike the common understanding, managing both sides are in our control to a large extent. To be able to understand both scenario and imbibe in our lives, we must know the basic premise of perception management i.e. —

“Everyone has a wise intention behind every act of theirs”

This line is the guiding line and will always remind us that every action of others is driven by some positive intention. This will help us perceive other better and in the right direction. When it comes to what others think about us, we consciously categorize who and where we pay attention of how things are perceived.

Hence, we need to manage perceptions like we manage our temper. What people think of you, your intentions, your actions is your business. But it’s your business only when you think it’s important and worth the time and efforts.

It is important when your relationships and stakes are high or even medium. So let us have our perceptions sorted about Perception Management -

It is Not Hypocrisy

Keeping a check if people have misunderstood us and ensuring we put that effort to correct their believe is not Hypocrisy. It’s clearing the fog in the journey which is long lasting.

It is Not Over-Doing

Some people may think that it’s unnecessary and stressful to manage perceptions and constantly working on it will be draining. Trust me it takes very little effort to clarify things to people with few extra words in any conversation. The other person will be carry wrong perceptions if he/she has to, but at least you made that effort in a relationship.

It is Not about Workplace

Managing perception is not restricted to work place. Agree, that most of us believe that perceptions are important with bosses or leadership. In reality, working on perception management is more important outside workplace where personal stakes are high.

It is Not applicable to Every Relationship

Perception management needs effort and hence we don’t need to invest time and effort in every relationship. People with whom we have greater bond or have potential to build long term nexus, setting right tone of perception is important. The counter argument to this could be — if the other person is so dear to me and understands, we don’t need to work on perceptions. The response to this would be that we all react to same things differently in varied situations. It’s humanly not possible for that good buddy to always understand out stance.

It is Not Over-Consciousness

You don’t need to be conscious of what meaning others have drawn of your behavior or words, but when you feel your aim has not hit the right place, make it explicit with more words.

It is Not about Not giving a Damn

Many of us carry the ‘I don’t give a damn attitude’ — which is okay. But you better give a damn to the relationships before they dampen due to some silly wrong perception, which you willfully ignored.

It is about valuing the Valued Relationship

Remember, whatever extra you do to clear the air, is for a long term relationship (professional or personal) which is far more valuable than the little time you invested. A slightest crack in the glass can break the glass, avoid the dent.

It is about giving the reflection of your Honest intention

It’s simple and straight forward, if your intentions are clear, you will bother to set the right perception in the other person’s mind. It’s about investing extra energy and time for the greater good.

It is about discovering Self in the process

When you are conscious of who and which relationships are important and where perception management is required, it’s shows how aware you are about yourself and your surroundings.

What and who matters to you are obvious to you. If not, then start thinking about it. You will understand yourself better in this journey.

How to do it every time?

When you feel that a conversation is incomplete or other person gives a reaction which makes you feel you are not understood rightly, pick up the conversation and add those extra words to ask, explain, demonstrate what you meant.. There is no loss in checking if the receiver has understood you.

In conclusion

Perception management is not restricted to friends or colleagues. It applies to families as well. We tend to ignore what our parents, in-laws, spouse think about us and our actions in due course. Irony is that, these are the most precious areas where perception management is indispensable.



Romani Shashidhar
Science For Life

HR professional | Mother | Aspiring Coach| Blogger | Foodie