Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Everyone and Ashton Kutcher is investing in AI:


Everyone and their brother, or should I now say everyone and Ashton Kutcher is investing in Artificial Intelligence.

I respect Ashton. He seems to be a very astute and savvy businessman and investor.

And, no doubt, AI can do great things, and will hopefully have a great and positive impact on society.


I truly fear that AI will be an unintended parasite on technological development, both from a venture capital/funding aspect, and from a tangible product development aspect.

Everyone wants to get into AI, even if it is just calling OpenAI APIs.

Everyone wants to invest in it.

However, we need companies to build physical products.

There were a lot of startups, founders and engineers developing SaaS (software-as-a-service) even before AI took center stage in these recent months.

Physical products and the companies that create them are being overlooked.

So, let me say it again: We need companies to build physical products.

We need investors to invest in something other than the latest buzzword.

May I remind you about that thing called the Metaverse, way back…maybe 6 months ago?

Additionally, everyone who wants to either develop or invest in AI, truly has absolutely no idea what their game plan is going to be…no matter what they try to tell you.

They’re making the oldest mistake in the book, which is looking for a solution for a technology.

They should be looking for technologies to form solutions to life’s and the world’s problems.

When someone looks for a problem so they can go out of their way to use a particular technology, it is usually done for short-term financial gains.

When someone uses a technology to elegantly solve a legitimate problem, it is done to move society forward.

Let’s just hope that society doesn’t miss out on a lot of innovation in fields other than AI.



Scott Cywinski - Founder, S/W Engineer, Consultant
Science For Life

Unfiltered and unique views on business, self-improvement, tech & society, which hopefully helps you realign & recalibrate your views on the world.