Feeling Worried?

Science For Life
Published in
2 min readOct 7, 2023
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

If you constantly feel worried and stressed, it’s because of the thoughts that are running in your head. We tend to suffer more in imagination than in reality.

Worrying can be very draining to the mind and body. And we can often get exhausted by worrying for that intense work or labor.

Living a peaceful and well-functioning life can be directly related to the lack of stress in our lives. It’s crucial to be stress free in our minds in order for it to translate in our daily lives.

Here are 9 ways you can stop worrying:

1] It’s What You Make Of The Situation That Matters. Your perception of the situation is what leads you to be peaceful or stressed.

2] Don’t Think Of The Past Or Future. You must live in the present moment.

3] Preparation Over Worrying. Worrying solves nothing.

4] Focus On What You Can Control. It’s pointless to worry about things that are not in your control.

5] Don’t Give Energy To Your Thoughts. That’s when it comes to life.

6] Everything Is Temporary. Things will get better in time.

7] Just Breathe. Calm yourself down.

8] Do Things That You Enjoy. It’ll help you get your mind off worrying.

9] Make A Conscious Decision To Stop. A conscious effort is what makes the difference.

I hope this blog help you. This is the shortened version of the full blog. You can read the in-depth blog here. Thank you and have a nice day!



Science For Life

Hey there! I write about my personal experiences & thoughts on Self-Improvement, Philosophy, Health & More.