Following your dreams makes you who you really are and should be!

Science For Life
Published in
3 min readOct 20, 2023
Photo by Benjamin Davies on Unsplash

I’m sure every person reading this blog has dreamt of doing something in life that’s really close to their heart. They feel pulled towards it. It’s exciting and gripping and it feels good too.

Yet only a very few end up following their dreams.

Why is it that we dream and long for something so much but end up doing something else? Is it societal pressure, financial situations, fear of failure, discomfort with change, or lack of commitment? It can be all of these things… and more. It was for me too.

Following a big dream can be scary and daunting. It’s like diving into the unknowing and figuring out how to survive and eventually thrive. Because that’s the goal, right? — success.

For most of us, success means money. The more you earn, the more successful you are. Money is really important. It’s the means to do almost anything you possibly can. And there’s no doubt about it.

I believe that you can be financially successful at anything you want to do if you dedicate your life to it. And even with the worst luck — if you’re not successful, you’re spending your time doing what you love and value, and that’s what matters. You’re living the life you’re supposed to be living. You’re choosing happiness over making more money. Which can bring so much peace to your life.

So ask yourself this question?

Would you rather earn money doing something you don’t like and doesn’t motivate you.

Or would you rather absolutely love what you do every single day and live a purposeful life.

If you have a dream which is very close to your heart and mind, pursue it. Following your dreams will guide you towards fulfilling your life’s purpose. It’s nature saying, “this is what you were born to do”.

Think about it. Your dreams come so naturally to you. You don’t have make an effort and think too much. Your dreams just flow freely without any obstruction. It’s who you are and what comes naturally to you. It’s embedded in your nature, and it flows freely into your imagination. And when you pursue these dreams, you’re being your true and natural self.

I applied the same thought to my life too.

I thought about how my life would be if I pursued my dreams. Would I be happier? — Yes. Would there be more challenges than I’m facing now? — Definitely. But I valued happiness and being who I truly am to everything else.

What helped me is wondering how my life would be if I stopped doing things in order to get a desired result from my work and the outer world. Like making more money, success in every endeavor, others' opinions, working towards people's expectation of me, social status, etc.

Once I stopped desiring those things, I pursued my dreams with confidence. At the end of the day, it didn’t matter what the result of my dreams was. I just had to do it and be myself.

And I hope you do too. All the best!



Science For Life

Hey there! I write about my personal experiences & thoughts on Self-Improvement, Philosophy, Health & More.