Freedom does not even exist

Saurav Adh
Science For Life
Published in
3 min readMay 21, 2022

The freedom you think you have, never existed, nor will it in the future.

photo from pixabay

We think we are free when we are free to make choices in life following our inner voice, but our freedom to make choices also resides in some boundaries, hence technically we are never free.

The longing to be free in various aspects of life resides in every human, no matter how strong the longing is freedom is not achievable, at least not before death. The very life we live is defined by boundaries. Where there are countless boundaries how can freedom exist?

I don’t like to think that freedom does not exist because I think I am a eternally free being, having the freedom to make choices, do what I want, follow my passion, and live my life my way. We all think that way and that is true we are free but our freedom is defined by countless boundaries, boundaries that are not visible but are continuously impacting the choices we think we are taking out of freedom.

It is much simpler to look at choices as our freedom, but diving deeper allows us to see varieties of boundaries that play a role in defining every moment of our life.

You chose to read this because of your choice, you think that was your freedom of choice but you read this because I wrote this and me writing this article came from my passion boundary, if writing was not my passion, you wouldn’t be reading this, instead you would be doing something else. I hope you see my point, how every small things are connected and all these connection makes an invisible boundary for us that controls a lot of our actions.

We have been living in countless number of boundaries around us that shape our mentality and our actions. We like to think that we are doing what we are doing because of our freedom of choice but actually these boundaries are in play.

Among these loops of boundaries there are boundaries that play a bigger role in defining the quality of our life. Factors like parents, society, education, professionalism, money, religion and many more play a serious role in defining the choices we make in life, and those very factors have the power to create or destroy the sense of freedom we hold within.

In my ebook The Boundary Loop I have written down my observation regarding various factors that play a role in creating a boundary and also have provided certain self help tools to identify the boundaries that are playing a negative role and how to destroy them to build a better boundaries. Various boundaries play a role in limiting our growth and this book will help you identify those break those and create a new boundary for your self-growth.

You see, our life is full of boundaries in every sector and in a life full of boundaries, actual freedom doesn't exsist. In contrast, realizing the underlying boundaries and not letting it hamper our thought patterns of being a free human being is freedom in itself.

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Saurav Adh
Science For Life

I write to share a view through my experiences, knowledge, and observation helping you for personal growth. e-book: