How could we use this life at its best?

Saurav Adh
Science For Life
Published in
3 min readAug 4, 2022

Let’s make the best possible use of this life.

Numerous philosophers have presented their philosophies regarding life and where we fit in this vast cosmic pool but rarely does someone talk about what this universe wants us to do.

We have a limited amount of time to spend on this planet and within that time all of us strive to find the meaning of this life. Without holding a certain belief towards a certain meaning our survival desire decreases. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to define the meaning of our lives.

We define the meaning of our lives, we live our lives. Wouldn’t the universe defining the meaning of our lives and we live it be better? definitely, it would be because the meaning defined by the universe wouldn’t be limited as it is when defined by our mind.

You might be wondering how is it possible that the universe defines our meaning. It’s absolutely possible, it is in process at this very moment but we lack the eyes to see it.

There is something this universe wants us to do and truly being able to follow that would give this life so much meaning. Being able to understand and follow that would be the best use of this life.

The universe wants us to create.

The power to imagine and be creative is what separates us from all other living beings. We humans have been innovating and creating from the very beginning of our evolution. That is what we are supposed to be doing every day.

When we become creative we live to the very fullest. If you try to remember the time when you were creating something I bet you were so focused that you lost the track of time and the joy there was unmatched. Something that makes us totally involved and joyful is creation. The universe wants us to be creative not just productive, successful, wealthy, or anything else.

The real joy, the real meaning of life lies in the creation.

Individually we all are built differently but every one of us has the potential to create. Create love, art, music, values, inspirations, and many more. There is no limit to the things we can create. There is no limit to our creativity, the more we use it the more beautiful things we will be capable of creating.

Once we start creating things, the meaning we give to our life magnifies multiple folds, and we become more joyful, and ultimately we live our life to its very best.

What to create?

There is no specific thing that is to be created. Create what your intuitions guide you towards. Create something of value to this world.

Living life to earn a living is not the way to live, living life to create value is.

You can create whatever you can, wherever your intuition drives you to. Create art, music, content, inspiration, solutions, ideas, innovations, business, and many more, there are infinite things that you can create. Start creating what you find your passion in, just don’t go trying to create everything. Find your passion and work on that.

How to be creative?

  1. Look at things from a different perspective and try to analyze different views of different people.
  2. Focus on knowledge, the more you read and learn the more dots you will be able to connect.
  3. Try out different things, explore and miss no opportunities.
  4. Brainstorm ideas and generate them in numbers more than you need.
  5. Mediate and quiet your mind.
  6. Engage in physical activities that help in the release of dopamine.
  7. Start with what you have and gradually improve.
  8. Give priority to being creative rather than being productive.
  9. Spend time in nature.

Improving our creativity helps us build beautiful creations that can add value to people's life, the environment, and the world itself.

I don’t think there is a better way to live our lives than living it as a creator of values and things. We will be capable of using our life to the very best if we focus on creating things that give tremendous meaning to our lives and value to the world.

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Saurav Adh
Science For Life

I write to share a view through my experiences, knowledge, and observation helping you for personal growth. e-book: