How I’m Dealing with Problems

Science For Life
Published in
2 min readMar 17, 2024


Photo by sebastiaan stam on Unsplash
  1. Focusing on the present moment. Stress arises in the mind. Awareness of the present moment can free us from the burden of our chattering mind. I let go of the stress that my problems brought me by focusing on my breath, paying attention to nature (movement of trees, birds, water bodies, rain, etc.), listening to sound & music, noticing how my body feels when it touches other objects like the ground while walking, or how my clothes feel on my body, etc. Literally anything that enhances your experience of life and diminishes your thoughts.
  2. Accepting that the problem exists and not running away from it. I think this is the toughest thing for most of us to do, right? To not avoid our problems, and to face them head on. The best way I could deal with this was to understand that each problem brings with it a hidden opportunity, and it’s in our hands to search for the opportunity. This opportunity not only provides us a solution to our problem but also gives us the ability to look at the good in every situation, which has honestly helped me in so many ways. As Ryan Holiday says — The Obstacle Is The Way.
  3. Acting on the problem. The only way you can solve the problem is to take action. The truth is that no one was going to come and help me nor was the problem going to correct itself. And the more I delayed, the worse it got. I needed to stop sulking and feeling bad for myself and just take action. It’s the best thing I could ever do. Do everything you can do in your power to make things right. So don’t focus on things that are out of your control. Just take action on the things you are in your control.



Science For Life

Hey there! I write about my personal experiences & thoughts on Self-Improvement, Philosophy, Health & More.