How to find your passion?

Saurav Adh
Science For Life
Published in
3 min readMay 5, 2022

Following your passion is easier said than done when the dilemma lies in “what is my passion?”

The thing you truly love doing with joy is your passion. I know you know that you need to follow your passion and do whatever you find exciting. Great careers are built when you are passionate about the things you work on. Everybody knows that they need to follow their passion but the dilemma is when you do not know what you are passionate about.

Many of us do not know what we are passionate about, and I was one of them. Some of us get in touch with our passion early on and develop talents in some areas but most of us are clueless. If you don’t know what you are passionate about use the method I used to find out my passion and that is the simple hit and trial method.

One can have multiple passions and by using this method you can find out all of yours.

Hit and Trial method

You won’t know what you are passionate about until you try out things. My simple advice is to explore.

As I began my quest in the search of my passion I tried lots of stuff, dropped many, acquired a few, and am honing the skills that I feel deeply connected to me. As I began to look for productive things to do during my free time, I got into reading and slowly reading began my habit, I feel passionate to read books of different genres and review them.

At one point in my life, I got into learning web development, took a course, and even completed two different projects, with time my interest in it decreased, and concluding it not to be my passion I dropped it. Then to explore further I started writing, turns out I am passionate about it, I love writing, and since then I have been writing on various platforms and have also written 2 eBooks.

Another hit and trial, I did with digital paintings, I love paintings and hence tried creating my own digital painting collection. Two months was all I needed to find out if it really was my passion. The answer was no and hence dropped it. Later to create content I started making videos, which helped me to discover another passion which is public speaking. I feel excited about keynote speeches and presentations, and hence I am being involved in clubs and teaching to further work on my passion.

I have tried lots of other stuff too and by trying and implementing I have been able to select if I really love doing something or is it just a phase that passes away.

Trying and exploring various skillsets has helped me find what I am passionate about and I am sure this can help you too. I have multiple passions and I am working on them to improve myself to provide more value, share what I learn, and make an impact.

List out different areas in which you are interested and try different things. Learn to play guitar, paint, code, sell, write, etc. There are thousands of things you can try. Trying out different things with consistent effort will help you discover your passion.

Go for it, try out different stuff, find your passion and live your passion.



Saurav Adh
Science For Life

I write to share a view through my experiences, knowledge, and observation helping you for personal growth. e-book: