How To Get a Job In 10 Steps

You suck at getting a job — not anymore

Uzman Ali
Science For Life


Are you 17 and looking for your first job? Or are you in college looking for a job between semesters or after your degree? Whether or not it’s your first time seeking a job, the experience can seem intimidating.

But with preparation and a willing attitude, you may find it easier to step out of your comfort zone and jump into the working world. Here’s how to get a job in 10 steps:

Image by author, inspired by source

1- Start with Excel

Create an Excel sheet and fill it up with at least 200 companies.

Add links to their career page and their LinkedIn profiles. You need to target companies that are doing work in your specific domain.

If you love nature, look for companies that offer work at a summer camp or a store that sells outdoor equipment. If you love technology, look at electronics or companies working on technology and IT.

There are tons of lists available online search on Google and filter it according to your needs.

2- Write or update your CV in 10 formats

Write your CV in about 10 formats to suit different industry styles. — don’t submit one CV for 500 roles. That is a bad practice it’s also like sending the same message to all recruiters.

You need to read job details and requirements, so create a minimum of 10 formats in hand!

3- Take a look at yourself

You’re more likely to get a job you’ll enjoy if you know what you’re looking for. Ask yourself: What are my talents? What do I like to do? What am I passionate about? What do I want to be 5 or 10 years from now?

If don’t have a network and a work history, spamming applications online is not going to do much for you. Odds are you are applying for jobs that don’t require much experience.

So you are not going to win a job race based on experience and accomplishments (It’s a plus if you have though).

But what the employer is looking for is a reliable worker who is smart enough to learn the job.

It would be best if you went meet people face to face, make an impression on them, ask questions, and tell them you are eager for the job.

Then call with a follow. These can get you past the first stage.

4- Rejection is coming

Know that it’s normal to get rejection emails, you’re not the only one looking for a job. Yours is coming. So get normalized to rejection, don’t take something like that to heart.

It’s a key to moving forward and applying consistently. So be prepared for realities.

5- 100 jobs

It’s normal to apply for more than 100 roles before getting a job. It doesn’t mean you’re bad, it’s normal.

You should know that you are not the only one in this race. Some might say it’s difficult to apply that many. But trust me you need to set that limit if you aim to hear a response by the end of the month.

6- Looking for a job is a job itself

Ok, you need to apply to at least 30 jobs a day- Looking for a job is a job on its own.

Download multiple job apps like Indeed, Glassdoor, Monster, etc.

Check out also: 5 Free Websites to Earn $30K/Month as an Expert

7- Are you a suitable candidate

I know people say if you meet about 50% of the criteria, you should apply, I won’t tell you that. But please apply to roles you qualify for so as not to waste your time for interviews…

You want to go into any interview with your confidence. Be ready to give examples that demonstrate your knowledge and skills related to the job.

8- Pitching on LinkedIn

Go to LinkedIn and look for the HR of the company, the employee section of the company page is useful.

Pitch yourself to them or the founder. It’s worth it even if you get straight rejected!

A lot of people have gotten jobs from Twitter/X. Please don’t play with it.

9- Your 30-sec summary

The first question in a job interview is often “What can you tell me about yourself?”

What employers are looking for is basic information that is significant to the job. What they are not looking for is where you were born or what your favorite color is. (lol)

Prepare a three-to-five sentence response in advance, and make a good first impression.

Tip: Ask ChatGPT to help you write these lines.

10- Don’t say any type

When you tell people, you are looking for a job in their network. They will ask what type. Be specific…

Don’t say I will do any type of job.

If you’re not given an interview immediately, do your best to keep the ball in your court. That means if the employer tells you they will be calling you back in seven days with an interview time or decision, you ought to call them on day eight.

If you haven’t heard back. Be polite in asking if a time has been scheduled or a decision made.

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Uzman Ali
Science For Life

Founder: → On a mission to help 10,000 people grow and create income online in 2024