How to get high on life?

Saurav Adh
Science For Life
Published in
3 min readJun 3, 2022

Get high without drugs, just oxygen.

The term high is mostly associated with the use of drugs, if someone is high he or she is believed to be in effect of cannabis, LSD, DMT, or maybe any other drug. The chemical constituent of the drug plays a role in generating certain kinds of hormones in our body which gives the sensation of a high. Basically, a drug is just a trigger that opens up the possibility that is already present within us.

The term high is used because it lifts a person into a higher altered state where the experience of life goes beyond the five senses' perception. Getting high is blissful, but drugs that trigger are destructive. What if I tell you that you can get high naturally without using drugs. High on life just with oxygen.

I am speaking from experience, I know what being high feels like, I have tried some kinds of stuff and I also know what being high on life feels like. The latter one is more peaceful, relaxing, and joy cultivating.

It takes a certain level of practice and consistency to get high on life but it is worth it because it has no harmful effects and only blissful effects.

Let’s find out how we can get high with a natural supply


Breath is life, every moment you are inhaling and exhaling you are giving life to your cells. Controlling the breath is a common way to access altered consciousness. Holotropic breathwork allows you to access parts of your psyche otherwise not reachable in normal conditions.

I came across Whim Hoff breathing techniques a few months ago and started practicing them and the result was amazing. The sense of relaxation and calmness that you can feel with proper breathing techniques is mind-altering. Reduced depression and anxiety and increased mindfulness make you high. There are countless breathing techniques that you can try to stimulate a sense of highness and oxygen is the only trigger in this case.


Yoga literally means union or join. Yoga practice leads to the union of individual consciousness with that of the universal consciousness, implying complete harmony between the mind and body, as well as between man and nature.

I learned classical hatha yoga and have been practicing it for some time now and the change in my feeling and perceptions yoga brought in is tremendous. Yoga involves physical poses, concentration, and deep breathing which can ignite a sense of joy and awareness within. Practicing yoga helps you raise consciousness which opens up the possibility to get high on life. It takes time to see the effects of regular yoga practice but once you see the result there is no going back from that sense of high.


Dhyana is a Sanskrit word meaning contemplation and meditation. Meditation helps in improving higher-order brain function, like increased awareness, concentration, and decision making. Meditation can also get you high.

Practicing meditation daily has helped me become more focused and aware of my being. During and just after practicing meditation the sense of calmness and peacefulness is at its peak. The sense of peace that meditation builds automatically increases dopamine and serotonin, which takes you to a higher altered state of perception.

Along with these chanting and mantra recitation, binaural beats and others are also effective practices to get naturally high on life.

I know the intensity of highness cultivated by these practices does not quite match the high provided by the injection of drugs but the quality of joyfulness is much more intense.

With consistent yoga and meditation practice getting naturally high becomes effortless and if higher consciousness is touched getting stoned every moment becomes a part of life. All there will be is joyfulness, peacefulness, calmness, and vitality without any ill effects.

Let’s all get high on life.

To learn about improving your consciousness and vibrational energy check out my e-book: Raising your Vibration

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Saurav Adh
Science For Life

I write to share a view through my experiences, knowledge, and observation helping you for personal growth. e-book: