How to Succeed in Anything!

Science For Life
Published in
13 min readDec 20, 2021

In life situations there are two extremes of behavior, such as, to go with the flow like a helpless paper boat or to row against the current, stubbornly insisting on one’s own.

In the first case a man simply does not take any initiative, does not try to go anywhere, he refuses to choose his fate, his choice consists in the fact that it is determined, that he cannot escape his fate, that he cannot avoid it. Then he starts to believe in it, and then life begins to rule him. A man becomes a puppet of the system, and it disposes of his destiny at its own discretion. In this case, a man, giving his fate in the hands of the system turns into a beggar, gradually turning from his failures into an offended person. The person who resigns himself to the role of the beggar begins to make requests, and the system makes the beggar work, and he bends his back all his life getting a modest livelihood. The beggar absolves himself of responsibility for his fate, as if everything is at God’s will, and if so, he should just ask and God is merciful, he will give, and if he did not give, it means that he asked badly. By adopting such a position, he sheds responsibility and begins to imagine himself as an important figure, as if God in his power and mercy will take care of his well-being. He does not understand or does not want to understand that God has already given him too much — freedom of choice, but because of his infantile behavior he does not want to accept this gift and is always dissatisfied. Such behavior finds its justification in the fact that there are a lot of obstacles on the way to the goal. There is always something in the way and these obstacles are in fact created by the man himself, without even being aware of it.

In the second case the man choses to row against the current, stubbornly insisting on his own believes that his destiny is in his hands. He is fighting the world for a place under the sun, taking a tough stance, this man is at war with the system, he is involved in competition and is always competing with everyone, in general, his whole life is nothing but a struggle for existence. However, he takes a more productive position than the beggar but his life is difficult and demanding. Of course, however much the man resists, he only wraps himself in a web, it seems to him that he is fighting for his fate, but in reality he is only wasting his energy. Sometimes the man wins but at what price he has to pass to his goal through the crowd of bullies and beggars, they all clamor, grab hold of hands and beat him, the man tries to justify himself, to apologize, to give money, to push, to struggle, finally he reaches his goal with great difficulty. It is necessary to note that a public opinion grows and strengthens in such a manner that one has to work hard and fight bravely in order to reach something. However, a man fails to comprehend that the energy expended on attaining the goal is a mere fraction that serves only to shift legs, while the rest of the energy is spent on fighting.

So what is the best role to play in life?

Move with the flow!

Now let’s look at tactics for dealing with life situations.

A man who is weak-willed, lacks initiative or resentfully swims with the flow of life, a man who is stubborn swims against the stream of life, not realizing that it is easier and more profitable to use it. He is determined to take strong-willed decisions with all his might slaps his hands on the water where one can make calm and smooth movements. Of course, there are no pure types of such people, everyone takes on one role or another to a greater or lesser extent from time to time.

And now imagine that you do not resist the current, but you do not float like a paper boat, you deliberately move in harmony with it, notice the shallows, obstacles, dangerous areas and only smooth movements to keep the chosen direction, the helm in your hands.

The main reason for not actively resisting the current is that it is useless or detrimental to the energy expended, but can you rely on the current itself as it can take you not only into a calm lagoon but also into a waterfall. And it is in order to avoid trouble you must correct your movement with smooth actions. To begin with you have to choose the correct general direction of this current. The direction is determined by the chosen goal and the way to achieve it. Once the direction is chosen, you should rely on the direction of your current as much as possible. For example, I am studying now, then I will go into business, I will buy a flat and so on. Many on the way commit a lot of mistakes and regret, looking back, but nothing can be corrected.

The main question is to what extent it is possible to surrender to the current if the main direction is correct, and why should it be given at all. Our mind is constantly under the pressure of artificially created importance, so it cannot make effective decisions. Our importance is in fact the main source of problems, if we lose our importance, the current will flow in a more relaxed direction. The question of whether to surrender to the current is also a question of importance. Importance forces the mind to look for complex solutions to simple problems and convinces the mind that it is thinking straight and making the only right decision. The mind will breathe freely if importance is dropped because it is free from the influence of the system and the pressures and artificially created problems. It will be able to make more objective and relevant decisions, but the beauty is that a mind without importance will not require a powerful intellect; logical thinking, knowledge and the analytical apparatus will be required to solve daily problems, but it will use much less energy.

The existence of a flow of options is a luxurious gift for the mind that it hardly uses. The flow of options already contains the solution to all problems, and most problems are artificially created by the mind itself. The restless mind constantly experiences jolts of the system and undertakes to solve all problems trying to keep the situation under control. Its volitional decisions are in most cases meaningless slapping of hands on water while swimming. Almost all problems, especially minor ones, are solved by themselves if not to disturb the flow of variants, a powerful intellect is of no use if the solution already exists in space.

If not to get into thickets and not to prevent flow of variants, the solution will come by itself and the most optimal one, optimality is in the structure of the information field already. The point is, cause-and-effect relations give rise to separate flows in the flow of variants these flows are the most optimal ways of movement of the cause and effect. In the space of variants there is everything, but with higher probability the optimum and not less energy-consuming variants are realized just by nature not wasting energy people walk on their feet, not on their hands. All processes tend to follow the path of least energy expenditure, so the streams of variants are organized along the path of least resistance, and it is in these streams that the most optimal solutions lie.

The mind seeks complex solutions to simple problems. All this reasoning may seem excessively abstract, but you can see in practice how real the existence of streams, it is truly a luxurious gift for the mind. In any problem there are coded keys to its solution, the very first key is to follow the path of least resistance. People usually seek difficult solutions because they perceive problems as obstacles, but obstacles are known to be overcome with exertion. You must get into the habit of choosing the easiest possible solution to a problem. We all have to either learn something new or do something familiar and familiar.

The question is how to do both in the most effective way?

The answer is so simple that it is hard to believe it works. According to the principle of going with the flow, you should try to do everything as it is done, in the easiest and simplest way possible. The best options for any action are organized in a flow. These flows are made up of chains of optimal cause-and-effect relationships. When you decide to take the next step in your actions, you choose the next link in the chain.

What remains to be determined is which link is the flow element. What a person does in such cases, he makes a logical decision, which from the point of view of common sense and ordinary experience is the most correct. The mind takes a volitional decision, it thinks that it can calculate and explain everything, but it is not so, and you can confirm how many times you have realized it late and remembered that you could have done it differently. It is not at all in absent-mindedness or sufficient sharpness of mind, the mind is not always able to choose an optimum variant, simply because the chains of flow do not always coincide with its logical constructions, however much you have tried. You seldom manage to choose the best course of action with the help of only logical conclusions. The mind is usually under pressure from stress, depression or increased activity. Therefore, it always acts assertively and forces a frontal attack on the outside world.

In order to choose the next chain of flux, you just have to free yourself from the strings of the system and just obediently follow the flux, that is, you have to take a position of balance. You have to constantly monitor your level of importance. When you have entered a state of equilibrium with the world around you calmly swim, following the flow and you yourself will see many signs that will lead you.

Let go of the situation, become a bystander rather than a participant, a caretaker, not a slave and not a master, but simply a doer. Order your caretaker to constantly yell at you when your mind is trying to make a reasonable volitional decision, rent yourself out as the doer, and watch from the sidelines.

Everything is made much simpler than it seems give yourself over to that simplicity.

It is not the flow of options that leads to difficulties, but the mind prompting the most sensible but difficult options. Example, you are faced with a list of things to do first, and then do not have to think if the order does not matter, just do as it is done move with the flow unbound your mind from the influence of the system. It is not about turning into a helpless paper boat on the waves, but about not beating the water with your hands when it is enough to make smooth easy and simple movements for you.

Whenever you need to do something, ask yourself how it can be done in the easiest way, let it be done the way it is done in the easiest way. Whenever something is suggested to you or proven to you, do not rush to refuse and argue maybe your mind does not understand your benefits and does not see an alternative, first observe and only then act. Go down into the spectator room, take your time to establish control and allow the game to develop as much as possible on your own under your supervision, don’t beat the water with your hands, don’t let your life go with the flow and you will see how much easier you have become

Let the situation go

Existence in the flow of options frees the mind from two unbearable burdens, the need for rational problem solving and constant control of the situation, provided of course that it allows itself to be set free. For the mind to allow itself to be set free it needs more or less rational explanation, justification and proof. For example, in our childhood, our teachers and circumstances molded our mind into a soldier ready to find an explanation at any moment, to answer a posed question, to evaluate a situation, to make a decision and to keep control over what is going on.

The mind is trained to act expediently in terms of common sense. Do not think that I am so exploded that I am ready to reject common sense, on the contrary, common sense is the minimum necessary set of rules for how to behave in the world around us in order to survive, but the error of reason is that it follows this code of rules literally and too linearly. A fixation on common sense prevents the mind from looking around to see what is inconsistent with these rules. There is a great deal about the divergence from common sense in the world and the inability of reason to explain everything and to keep people out of trouble and trouble. There is a very simple way out of this situation to rely on the flow in the flow of options. Reasoning of it is very simple, just in the flows is laid that what the mind seeks for — expediency.

As you know, the threads take the path of least resistance, the mind based on cause and effect relations tries to reason sensibly and logically, but its imperfection does not allow it unmistakably orientate in surrounding world and find only right decision. The nature is primordially perfect, therefore in flows more expediency and logic than in the wisest reasoning and however the mind was convinced that thinks sensibly it will be erroneous anyway. However, the mind will in any case make mistakes, but much less if it will moderate its assiduity and if possible allow the problems to be resolved without its active intervention. This is called letting the situation go.

It is known that pressuring the world is not only useless, but also harmful. First, we create obstacles by our own importance and if we lower it, the obstacles will remove themselves. Secondly, if an obstacle is beyond our control, we should not fight it, but simply bypass it. The trouble with the mind is that it tends to accept events that do not fit into its script as obstacles. The mind plans and calculates everything beforehand, and if the unexpected happens, the mind begins to struggle against it in order to adapt the events to its own scenario. As a result, the situation gets even worse. Of course, the mind is not able to perfectly plan events. This is where it is necessary to give more freedom to the current, the current is not interested in breaking your destiny. Destiny is broken by mind by its unreasonable actions. Predictability, in terms of the mind is when everything is going according to the planned scenario, all that does not agree is perceived as an undesirable problem, and the problem must be solved, which the mind takes up with great zeal and creates new problems.

Thus the mind itself piles up a lot of obstacles on its way Think about it, when people are happy and satisfied with themselves, when everything is going according to plan, any deviation from the script is perceived as a failure. Importance does not allow the mind to accept the possibility of deviation. The mind feels that it has planned everything in advance and knows better what is good and what is bad for it. Now imagine how much happier life would become if reason reduced the importance and accepted the right to the existence of deviations in the scenario. Everyone can regulate their own level of happiness. The lower boundary of that level for most people is grossly overestimated, so they do not consider themselves happy.

This is not a call to be content with what you have, it is about how to avoid trouble and reduce the number of problems. It is the mind’s unwillingness to allow deviation in its script that prevents it from taking advantage of ready-made solutions in the flow of options.

The mind does not seek to control its own flow but the flow itself, this is one of the main reasons for all sorts of problems and troubles. Try loosening your grip on your control and giving more freedom to the flow. I’m not suggesting that you agree with everything and accept everything, just change tactics, shift the center of gravity from control to observation, try to observe more than control, take your time to brush aside the objections, arguments , interfering, trying to control and criticizing. Give the situation a chance to resolve itself without your active intervention or opposition. Giving up control gives you even more control over the situation than you had before, a bystander always has an advantage over a direct participant

Freedom of choice allows you not to ask, not to demand and not to fight, but simply to go and take.

The mind seeks to control not its own movement with the current, but the current itself.

You are led to difficulties and problems by the mind, not by the currents in the flow of options.

Shift your center of gravity from control to observation, relinquishing control, then you will gain true control of the situation.

If you move with the flow of options, the world will move towards you.



Science For Life

Writer, like to motivate people who are struggling.