How You Can Cheat Your Mind To Believe You Are A Millionaire

You need to work on your money mindset

Vinod Kumar Kashyap
Science For Life
3 min readJul 24, 2021


Photo by Celyn Kang on Unsplash

Congratulations, you have won a one-million-dollar lottery. Yes, one million dollars. Can you trust what you’re hearing? The tragedy of life is that many of us are unable to contemplate it. People do not have the mentality of having enormous sums of money. To believe in or believe this statement, it is best to have a healthy mindset.

Why? What is it that makes us not want to win or have a million dollars? The rationale is relatively more straightforward than you might think. We have been thinking about the boundaries of money since we were children. We have this restricting attitude that making a large sum of money is difficult.

“You can change your health, you can change your relationships, you can change your income, you can change anything.” — Bob Proctor

Our parents always told us that making money required time and effort. When youngsters go to their parents, they frequently say, “Money does not grow on trees; you have to work every day to acquire money.”

If we want to make millions, we must eliminate any limiting thoughts about money from our minds. We must work on our ideas to strengthen them to the point when no amount of money appears to be enormous. It is feasible to make millions of dollars, as many people have done. Is it, however, simple to shift one’s mindset? Yes and no, to be sure.

Yes, because many others have done so in the past, and riches now await them. No, since some people are averse to change. If you’re going to make a difference, it’s up to you to believe and then act.

“All riches have their origin in mind. Wealth is in ideas — not money.” — Robert Collier

Although I am not a financial expert, one of my mentors taught me to consider the money going out as a donation or gift. If you have to pay the electricity bill, tell yourself that you need to offer the electrical department assistance. You must pay your children’s fees; talk to your mind; I must donate to the college.

There is only one thing that needs to change: the subconscious mind.
We must modify our diet to work on our limiting views about money if we want to have a healthy body; similarly, if we’re going to change our money mindset, we must work on our limiting beliefs about money.

We must discard our previous trust and replace it with a new one. We are all living out our parents’ views. Our parents grew up in the industrial era. Now is a different time. Now is not the time to think small, but rather to think big.

We must think beyond our current limitations. We need to dream large and shift our perspective. Money is also energy, and you can acquire any amount you want by reaching that level. People are making billions of dollars, and now it’s your turn.

“When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor.” — Elon Musk

You must, however, deceive your mind. However, once it is completed, a new vista will open up. You’ll see many things in your head, so start convincing yourself that all of the money you’re paying as bills is donations and presents. This minor adjustment will cause your mind to think differently.

We have to think beyond all our limitations. We have to think big and change our mindset. Money is also energy, and you can reach that level and achieve whatever amount you want. People are earning in billions, and now it’s your time.

Still, you have to cheat your mind. But, once it’s have been achieved, a new horizon will open. You will see many things in your mind, so start to make-believe your mind that all that money that you are paying as bills as donations and gifts. This simple change will make your mind think in a new direction.

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Vinod Kumar Kashyap
Science For Life

Digital Writer & Storyteller | Bringing Visions to Life Through Premium Ghostwriting​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​