I wrote 17 things for myself to do in order to get out of a bad life situation.

Science For Life
Published in
3 min readOct 30, 2023
Photo by Nik on Unsplash

I’m in a phase in my life where things are rarely going according to plan. I keep failing at the things I do. I’m confused and I’m not sure about what the future holds. I’m depressed and exhausted. It feels like every problem in my life, and my inability to deal with it has entered my life all at once. It’s chaos, and I need to establish order in my life.

I made a list of things that I need to do for myself so that I can get out of this phase or rut or depression or whatever it is. I believe this will help me out. I’ve spent a long time, researching and finding out ways I can live a better and happier life. I’ve settled with 15 points. Here they are:

  1. Believe in God's plan for your life.
  2. Never give up, no matter how bad it gets. Take rest but don’t stop.
  3. Be patient with yourself. Character and discipline take time to build.
  4. Don’t obsess about the result. Just focus on working to the best of your abilities.
  5. Treat yourself like you are your own best friend. Don’t be harsh on yourself.
  6. Believe in the goodness of the world. It can be a dark place, but the light always finds a way to shine everywhere.
  7. Do what you love doing. Every single day.
  8. Relax your mind. Don’t stress about anything at all, it’s exhausting and pointless.
  9. Build a desire for the simple pleasures in life.
  10. Believe that you deserve the good things in life. And believe that you’ll receive it, in time.
  11. Be active and exercise. Move your body every single day.
  12. Accept that it’s going to be a tough time and tell yourself that you’re going to make it. You need to believe in yourself — even if no one else does.
  13. Try to help someone out in any way you can. Try doing it every day no matter how small it is.
  14. Write down affirmations, and the desires you have in life.
  15. Read every day. Anything at all. It will improve your brain health.
  16. Stop caring about what others think of you. Don’t overthink about your worth in society. You’re enough.
  17. Be grateful to wake up in the morning. Many people don’t have that privilege.

It took me 3 days to write this. And I’m happy with the points that I made for myself. These points are tailored to me and my situation in life and it may not be for everyone. But there are some general points which will definitely help out anyone who follows it.

I hope this blog helped you to get inspired to be better, or make a list of your own, or helped you realize that there are a lot of people out there going through similar tough live situations and that you’re not alone.

I believe that following these points on a daily basis will help me be a better version of myself. And so, my journey begins. Wish me luck!



Science For Life

Hey there! I write about my personal experiences & thoughts on Self-Improvement, Philosophy, Health & More.