If these 3 points are achieved between men and women, they are “soul mates”

Science For Life
Published in
8 min readDec 13, 2022

If these 3 points are achieved between men and women, they are “soul mates”

Photo by Ilya Shishikhin on Unsplash

The so-called soul mates rarely exist! Because it is too idealistic, it is a yearning for a beautiful relationship!

It is really very difficult for two people with different family backgrounds and two people who have never been familiar with each other to establish a relationship. It is really very difficult to meet the standard of the soul mate.

It can be said that in real life, most soul mates is not the person who sleeps with you.

And the soul mate in a person’s heart is mostly another self extracted from one’s soul, in a person of the opposite sex who keeps a fresh feeling for oneself, because it magnifies the goodness of the other party, so it is pretended to be a “soul mate” sexual conceptualization.

Photo by Heriberto García on Unsplash

Many times, for the vast majority of people, soul mates are figments of imagination.

The reason why actual soul mates seldom exist is that it is very, very difficult to truly achieve between men and women, whether they are lovers or husbands and wives, whether they are in love or after marriage!

From a practical point of view, too many, too many men and women who are together, no matter what their status is, continue to have a relationship, it is the responsibility of improvisation after the passion period, and the completion of “walking along the way”.

A true soul mate needs someone to, to a large extent, change himself for the other person! This, really few people do.

Even if someone has made some changes, the expectations of the person in front of him will continue to rise. Because this person will tell himself more than once:

I changed so much for him/her, he/she should respond to my ideal expectations.

Photo by Colin Czerwinski on Unsplash

When personal needs are not met, the person who changes thinks it is not worth it! Therefore, we often see some men and women complaining “you were not like this before” when facing the person in front of them.

So you see, before you want to get a soul mate, are you really qualified?

Many people cannot meet the essential requirements of a soul mate, so it is difficult to meet a real soul mate.

You know, the chance of meeting your soul mate is far more difficult than getting on the same boat after a hundred years of cultivation!

The “soul mate” is only a “soul mate” if these three points are achieved between man and woman:

Photo by Alberto Restifo on Unsplash

Point 1: Be truly transparent and empathetic
In real life, all the good things that people yearn for are over-idealized!

The high-level ideal state between men and women is the fit of the “soul”.

Two completely different people, if they want to achieve soul harmony, must go through a long understanding and familiarity. in other words:

The so-called soul mate is to find someone who is acceptable to you and who truly complements you.

A soul mate is not the same as yourself, but a complementary relationship with a person, making up for your shortcomings and filling your shortcomings, to achieve true mutual achievement and mutual support.

Photo by Josh Hild on Unsplash

If this is the case, the indispensability of each other is the real no difference

Some people say that soul mate are willing to change themselves to cater to each other.

This is just a person who is willing to do it “temporarily” from the bottom of his heart when facing feelings.

Two people are soul mates because they are familiar with each other’s strengths and weaknesses, and have deep self-awareness, and when they know each other’s needs to be met, they can treat each other with sincerity and empathy in smooth communication.

The reason why it is said that true soul mates are almost rare is that in the relationship between a man and a woman, no matter how much love and “harmony” two people talk about.

However, true empathy and transparency are mostly impossible to achieve.

Photo by Elizeu Dias on Unsplash

Between men and women in real life, most of them are only transparent when they think they “should be transparent”, and they are always the soberest about things that should be concealed.

As for empathy, I have always replaced real empathy and empathy with what I think “I have already thought about you.”

So, you see, if you keep saying that you and the person in front of you or your lover are soul mates, you should reflect on yourself:

Am I being transparent and empathetic?

If you don’t, don’t overestimate yourself.

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Point 2: In a real sense of security, feel the solidity of relying on and being relied on

The relationship between men and women, if you want to have a real lasting, and healthy continuation, you need to follow the following rules:

We need each other, and we need and satisfy each other with a sense of security.

However, too many men and women in real life have opened up a greater or lesser degree of “make do” after shedding the gorgeous coat of the passionate period.

Simply, there is a no better opportunity to be with a more suitable person. When this is still tolerable, it will continue.

People, generally because the relationship is broken by the reality after the beauty of their fantasy, only then realize:

People who used to think that they found the right person don’t know when they changed. In the past, the soul mate I once thought was nothing more than that after being together for a long time!

Why do people, after being full of passion, become so negative about the “emotional relationship” they believe in?

Photo by Pedro Monteiro on Unsplash

The reasons are as follows:

①When you meet each other at first sight, you magnify each other’s strengths and overly ignore each other’s weaknesses. After the passion fades, people start to get along with each other’s shortcomings again, so that after the previous sense of security and solidity is gone, people become “lost” or hopeless.

② Between each other, they never know what the other party needs because of a real “understanding”, and they never know how to express their demands so that the other party can accept and give a reasonable response.

③I only know how to use what I think is right, do what I think is right, and say what I think is reasonable. The distance between two people is perfectly opened because of this “self”.

Photo by Rachel Cook on Unsplash

A soulmate who is truly compatible is because of the word “understanding”, knowing what each other’s emotional and emotional needs are, and giving a reasonable response.

At the same time, the two will work hard because of their mutual future and use a solid material foundation so that each other does not have to worry about survival.

The satisfaction and satisfaction of emotional and emotional needs is the sense of spiritual security, and the solid material foundation is the sense of real security.

Looking at men and women today, maybe they don’t need to worry about material life, but how many can satisfy their sense of spiritual security at the same time?

Photo by Michael & Diane Weidner on Unsplash

Point 3: Put each other in the future, truly share, share, and grow with each other
What is putting each other into the future? Are you married?


Marriage has never been the ultimate destination of two people, it is to manage the relationship reasonably and spend the rest of their lives with one’s heart. Putting each other in the future is a recognition of each other for the rest of their lives, not just marriage.

What is sharing and sharing? Do yourself a good job, okay?

not like this!

Many people, when facing the person in front of them, only use their calculations of giving and rewards to measure the degree of sharing and being shared; they use what they think should be shared, and do so-called reasonable sharing.

What is mutual growth? Do you consider yourself supportive and encouraging?


Mutual growth means exporting and absorbing positive energy from each other, and only when they get the right guidance and assistance can both of them feel better.

Photo by Lea Fabienne on Unsplash

In real life, the vast majority of men and women get married according to the “order of life” when they get married, and after they get married, they start arguing endlessly over small troubles.

They are unwilling to put the future of themselves and the other party in one place and face all joys and sorrows for the sake of a common future.

And a true soul mate is extremely tolerant, considerate, and understanding.

Moreover, the two people will each be willing to smooth out their edges and corners for the sake of each other, instead of just making a small change and strongly kidnapping the person in front of them morally.

I saw a sentence that said:

The best way to love someone is to manage yourself well and give the other person a high-quality lover.

However, those who say that I have a clear conscience are not necessarily qualified lovers, let alone soul mates.

The reason why there are not many soul mates is that the vast majority of people are too egotistical and too calculating.

Photo by Else-Marie de Leeuw on Unsplash

If every pair of men and women who decide to be together can do the above-mentioned points, then the combination of each pair will be accompanied by happiness and luck at all times.

Because, if they have truly qualified as soul mates, they will naturally reap happiness and luck!

For the rest of my life:

May everyone, in a relationship, be truly responsible for the person in front of them and the rest of their lives together, and truly face each other with the attitude of soul mates!

Photo by Boxed Water Is Better on Unsplash

— End —

Topic Discussion: Have you and the person in front of you met the standard of a soul mate?



Science For Life

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