Journey to Forgiveness

Letting Go of the Personal and Finding Peace

Garima Sharma
Science For Life


Photo by Logan Fisher on Unsplash

Okay, imagine you’re in a relationship where you’re having a hard time forgiving someone. Picture this text as something written just for you in this situation.

So, a while ago, someone close to me did something that really hurt me and I felt stuck, like I couldn’t move on. But then something changed in my mind and it made forgiving way easier: I stopped taking it personally.

I know what you’re thinking, how can you not take it personally when they did it on purpose? That was my first reaction too. I thought it was unrealistic. But then a friend gave me a book called The Four Agreements and it had this one rule: Don’t take anything personally. It basically said that what others do isn’t about you, it’s about them and their own stuff going on.

At first, I didn’t really get it, but I really wanted to. I needed to forgive and move on. So I talked to friends about it, prayed about it, and wrote about it in a journal. And eventually, I got it. What other people choose to do, even if they’re trying to hurt you, it’s not about you. It’s about them and their own problems. It doesn’t excuse their behavior or make it okay, but it helps explain why they did it. It shows that I can’t change them, so I have to let go.

Think about this: if you wait for them to apologize and feel bad before you let go of anger, move on, or be happy again, you might be waiting forever. Don’t let someone who hurt you have that kind of power over you and your emotions. Free yourself from being trapped by how they choose to react or say sorry.

Now, I’ll admit, it’s easier said than done. In the toughest situation I ever had to forgive, I couldn’t do it on my own. I prayed and asked for help, saying “I can’t forgive this person, so I need You to change my heart because I don’t even know how.” And after about three weeks, my heart softened. It’s hard to believe, but I even started praying for them after I let go. I knew they had some serious problems, and although I couldn’t fix them, I could choose to have mercy. I could put up a wall to protect myself from further harm, but I didn’t need to hold onto the grudge, seek revenge, or be furious anymore.

Remember, forgiveness releases you. It lets go of negative feelings like anger and a desire for revenge. Don’t make it personal. People hurt others when they’re hurting themselves. Whatever happened, just accept it. Take control of your feelings, your peace, and your happiness. Don’t let anything be taken personally.

Hope you liked the post.

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Garima Sharma
Science For Life

Words on self-love, self-worth, finding magic in everyday moments and trusting you are wildly deserving.