Monk Mode: The Best Way To Turn Your Life Around

Alexandru Gîndea
Science For Life
Published in
3 min readJun 4, 2023

Ever felt like you can’t change where you are life? Well, it’s a normal thing, everybody goes through something similar in some point of his life. So, the best way to turn your life around and change where you are in life? Monk mode.

Image from Face Dragons

The first time I heard the words “monk mode” I was watching Iman Gadzhi on YouTube.

Monk mode represents a period of time in which you eliminate all distractions and focus on only one thing.

What Monk Mode Really Means?

Monk mode is a period of time you choose, in which you only focus on one task or objective.

No other distractions.

Only the thing you choose to focus on, everything else is cut lose.

Basically, you make working towards your objective almost the only thing you do.

This may sound crazy and a little bit extreme, but it’s very effective and I don’t think I have to tell you why.

Why Should You Go Into Monk Mode?

One more reason, besides accomplishing some goal is to help you think.

Having no distractions around can help you put things into perspective and realise what you want most out of your life.

Think about it like having a little chat with yourself about, well, you guessed, you!

When you are alone with only yourself you start thinking differently.

I recommend you try this and see what you get out of it!

So, If you want to achieve something badly, or want a quiet break from this modern world, try monk mode!

Benefits And Downsides of Monk Mode

While monk mode is a well-looked thing, it has some downsides as well.

Let me tell you both downsides and benefits, starting with the good things!


You are thinking more clearly, because you don’t have other distractions like YouTube or Instagram around you.

And because of the non existent distraction you are more focused as well.

Having actions back up your thoughts and possible the words you told other people makes you feel more confident, because you aren’t joking about doing something hard, like a lot of people does.

And because you are finally doing the work aimed towards the thing that you always wanted to achieve you feel happier too.


Isolating yourself from anything, including other people could damage your mental health.

As humans we need interactions with others in order to have a healthy mind.

Sometimes, monk mode could damage your life more than it could help, like isolating from some people might hurt your relationship or it could even make you lose people close to you in some cases.

And don’t forget it could get very lonely, If you strive yourself from your friends and family.


Now, both downsides and benefits are for the generic definition that is known online.

I strongly believe that you could make your own monk mode, made to fit you and your own life.

If you are an extrovert and you get most of your happiness by being around other people don’t rob yourself of that in order to work on your career 24/7.

You can tweak everything about monk mode to suit you, the only thing that should remain unchanged is the purpose you started and the non-negotiable things.

A good example is an athlete that wants to take things more serious.

No smoking, no drinking, no unhealthy food and everyday training.

These are non-negotiable, they should always be there.

The other things aren’t as important as the non-negotiables.

Having in mind what I told you, what do you say, is monk mode right for you in this phase of your life? It could be in the future? Or it would’ve been good in the past?

Let me know in the comments and I hope you find this article helpful!

Alex Gindea
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Alexandru Gîndea
Science For Life

Alex here. Getting better everyday and trying to share as much as possible. Business, health, self-improvement are just some of the things you'll see here:)