Optimizing Your Mitochondria: A Practical Guide to Well-Aging

🧬Peter Marino, M.S. CHC CPT🧬
Science For Life
Published in
7 min readMar 23, 2024


By Peter Marino M.S. CPT CHC

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In the journey of aging gracefully, much attention is often paid to external factors like skincare regimens and dietary choices. Yet, one crucial aspect frequently overlooked is the role of mitochondria in preserving overall health and vitality. Mitochondria, often described as the cellular powerhouses of the body, serve as the linchpin in energy production and cellular functionality. This article aims to explain the significance of mitochondria, their indispensable role in maintaining well-being, and strategies for enhancing their efficiency and abundance through targeted exercises. Furthermore, we’ll delve into the advantages of specific supplements that fortify mitochondrial health.

Understanding Mitochondria: The Powerhouses of Our Cells

Realistic rendering of mitochondria in cells.

Mitochondria are minuscule organelles housed within our cells, tasked with the mission of generating energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). They act as the engines of our cells, transforming nutrients into practical energy for a plethora of physiological functions. Mitochondria are pivotal for sustaining optimal cellular operations, regulating metabolism, and bolstering overall health.

How Mitochondria Keep You Healthy

The presence of efficient and plentiful mitochondria is imperative for aging gracefully. These organelles stand as stalwart guardians against oxidative stress, safeguarding cellular integrity and promoting longevity. These intracellular components also steer an array of physiological processes, spanning metabolism, cellular signaling, and programmed cell death (apoptosis). Additionally, mitochondria contribute to the control of inflammation, DNA restoration, and cell signaling all of which prevent premature aging (Son et al., 2019). When mitochondria fail to function optimally, it can lead to a spectrum of health challenges, encompassing fatigue, muscle weakness, and even chronic maladies such as diabetes and neurodegenerative disorders.

Enhancing Mitochondrial Efficiency and Quantity

1. Aerobic & Anaerobic Exercise: Exercise emerges as a potent stimulant for mitochondrial biogenesis, the process of generating fresh mitochondria. Both aerobic and resistance training have demonstrated their capacity to amplify the number and efficiency of mitochondria.

Participation in aerobic pursuits like running, rowing, cycling, and swimming yields a pronounced impact on mitochondrial quantity and efficiency across the body. Conversely, resistance training fosters the proliferation of mitochondria within muscle fibers. By subjecting muscles to weights or resistance bands, we kindle the growth of new mitochondria, heightening their energy production capability and refining glucose storage and uptake.

Selenium, an essential trace element, assumes a pivotal role in mitochondrial function. It functions as a cofactor for numerous enzymes within the mitochondrial electron transport chain, an indispensable component for ATP generation. Adequate selenium intake from sources like nuts, seeds, and seafood can nurture mitochondrial health and function, particularly during physical exertion (Smith & Johnson, 2022; Selenium and Human Health, 2021).

2. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): HIIT involves alternating bursts of intense exercise with brief recovery intervals. This variety of training has displayed the potential to amplify mitochondrial function and augment the quantity of mitochondria. Integrating HIIT workouts into your fitness routine can serve as a potent strategy to improve wellness and prevent premature aging.

Alongside exercise, specific supplements have emerged as allies in championing mitochondrial health.

  • Nicotinamide riboside (NR), a variant form of vitamin B3, has been acknowledged for heightening ATP production by stimulating mitochondrial activity (Maiese, 2021).
  • L-carnitine, an amino acid found in meats, plays a pivotal role in transporting fatty acids into mitochondria for energy production. By augmenting the availability of fatty acids as an energy source, L-carnitine fortifies mitochondrial function and energy generation (Rodriguez & Sanchez-Jimenez, 2022).
  • Selenium, as previously mentioned, proves to be a vital nutrient that bolsters mitochondrial function, particularly during physical activity, while also being indispensable for mitochondrial biogenesis (Gheorghiu & Badiu, 2020). Did you know you can get a full day’s supply of selenium in just 2 Brazil nuts?
  • CoQ10, an influential antioxidant, stands as an essential component for mitochondrial health. It serves as a cofactor within the mitochondrial electron transport chain, a sequence of reactions that unfolds within mitochondria to engender ATP. CoQ10 supplementation has exhibited its potential to elevate mitochondrial function and shield against oxidative harm (Patel & Singh, 2022).

The Role of Sleep in Mitochondrial Health

While exercise and supplements constitute fundamental pillars for sustaining mitochondrial health, the pivotal role of sleep, encompassing both deep and REM sleep, must not be underestimated.

Deep Sleep: Also recognized as slow-wave sleep, this phase is characterized by unhurried, synchronized brainwave patterns. Deep sleep bears immense significance for physical rejuvenation and restoration, rendering a direct impact on mitochondrial health:

  • Energy Restoration: Deep sleep offers a platform for the body to replenish its energy reservoirs. Within this phase, mitochondria labor diligently to reinstate adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the cell’s currency of energy.
  • Cellular Maintenance: Deep sleep propels the mechanisms of cellular repair and maintenance to heightened levels. It ushers in a process termed mitophagy, facilitating the selective elimination of damaged mitochondria, thereby ensuring that only robust mitochondria endure within cells.
  • Oxidative Stress Reduction: Deep sleep orchestrates a reduction in oxidative stress, a factor that has the potential to impair mitochondrial function. Through curtailing oxidative damage, deep sleep indirectly nurtures mitochondrial health.

REM Sleep: Distinguished by rapid eye movements, augmented brain activity, and vivid dreaming, REM sleep distinguishes itself with specific merits for cognitive function and emotional well-being, while also contributing to mitochondrial health:

  • Brain and Memory Consolidation: REM sleep assumes a central role in the consolidation of memory and learning. The enhancement of cognitive function during wakefulness resonates positively with overall brain health, thereby indirectly buttressing mitochondrial function (Walker, 2017).
  • Brain Detoxification: Recent scientific endeavors have cast a spotlight on the glymphatic system, predominantly operative during sleep, including REM sleep. This system accelerates the expulsion of metabolic waste products from the brain, potentially diminishing the burden of oxidative stress on mitochondria (Xie et al., 2013).
  • Hormonal Regulation: REM sleep becomes a companion in the orchestration of various hormones, encompassing those that exert influence on metabolism. The harmonious equilibrium of hormones augments the optimal operation of mitochondria (Dowling et al., 2019).

How to Track Sleep

Knowledge of sleep is great, but without the ability to properly track it this knowledge is useless. Thus, I compiled a list of some sleep trackers in order of least expensive to most expensive that may appeal to you:


The care and nurturing of our mitochondria represent a pivotal facet of well-aging. Regular engagement in exercise, spanning both endurance and resistance training, can furnish improvements in mitochondrial efficiency and quantity. The integration of supplements such as niacinamide, riboside nicotinamide, L-carnitine, selenium, and CoQ10 can further amplify mitochondrial health and function. Moreover, sleep, which encompasses the realms of deep and REM sleep, occupies a cardinal role in preserving mitochondrial health. Deep sleep initiates energy replenishment, cellular maintenance, and the alleviation of oxidative stress, thereby directly benefiting mitochondria. REM sleep elevates cognitive function, buttresses brain detoxification, and harmonizes hormone regulation, indirectly bolstering mitochondrial health. The maintenance of sound sleep hygiene and the cultivation of healthy sleep patterns warrant consideration as indispensable components of any holistic wellness strategy. By ingraining these strategies into our daily lives, we hold the power to heighten our overall health and vitality as we navigate the graceful path of aging.


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🧬Peter Marino, M.S. CHC CPT🧬
Science For Life

Owner, Health Coach, DNA Coach, and Personal Trainer / Online Personal Trainer for www.PoshFitness.com. M.S. in Biotechnology.