Our generation has a problem.

Alexandru Gîndea
Science For Life
Published in
6 min readJun 18, 2023

And a big one. As I was watching YouTube, like I do all the time, I got recommended a video from Gerbert Johnson about “Why Young Men Aren’t Growing Up” (this is also the title of the video). The video talks about kinda’ everything is going on with the new generation of kids turning into young adults. In this post I will talk about that as well. If you want to consume more about the topic, you could go and watch the video yourself.

Image from Apptus

Think back a few decades how the world looked. Or think back only a few years. Things seemed so different than now.

It may be because the time passed and we’ve grown up, or it may be because things were different back then.

I will try to examine some hot topics and things that took gen Z by surprise.

What We Were Supposed To Go Through

After the World War II ended and after the small riots and wars that happened after, the new generation was supposed to go through something else than this era of technology.

I am only 4 months away from turning 18, so I am more than sure that I am a part of this new generation.

What our parents and grand parents fought for wasn’t us playing video games all day, numbing our brains to a different reality in which we were who ever we would like.

They fought so we could have a good life in the real world.

And no, I don’t hate video games, they can help you bond to your friends, but only to a detriment, one that remains virtual.

So we could live the experience they liked the most without the struggle of war, injustice and much more.

My viewpoint derived from the video I mentioned before is that we had gone through a big turn.

What seemed normal years before now is a strange thing.

Talking to girls on the street, nah better on Instagtam, it’s more “normal”.

Talking to strangers in general, nah it’s strange.

I notice that all the time when I am out with my father.

A lot of times he gets into discussions with strangers, be it only a joke or getting into the conversation.

He does it all the time.

And this isn’t the only difference between the two of us.

I am going to be hated by some people because I say that, but technology is a big part of the problem.

But since you are one of the 10 or 20 people who reads my post, you probably think the same as me.

The Problem Of Technology

Let me first give you an example that can convince you technology can be bad.

A newborn gets his hands on a phone and is thought by his parents how to use it since he is a baby.

This is an example when technology is bad.

You can say that the kid is going to learn faster to maneuver it or other things, but you are missing the big picture.

That kid is going to live in a digital realm.

Yeah, he may seem alright, have friends, go outside, but a person that knows only one thing since he or she was a baby will, well do only one thing.

Technology can be good though, the progress of medicine and machines that revolutionized the industries are beneficial.

Even smartphones and calculators, but not all the time.

They need to be used by someone who already has gone through some part of life.

His brain will be affected differently than a child’s brain.

Technology comes with a lot of good things, but also very bad one’s, some being the inability of communication and shyness, the “expectation problem” and the overthinking.

I wasn’t able to talk to strangers before something happened to me.

When I got into 9th grade I hanged out after high school with some colleagues, getting through the awkward time and starting to form friendships.

We went to a mall and when it was time to get back I returned alone, not knowing where I was.

I got to a bus station and didn’t know where to go next.

In that moment my survival instincts took over because I needed to move fast and I felt the need of help, so I asked a stranger for directions.

He told me where this bus is going and how to get to my desired location which was the train station.

After I got home, due to the help of that random person my shyness to talk to strangers started to fade away.

I haven’t made so many new friends up until I got to high school, but after this experience everything changed.

All I used to do was hang out with my lifetime friends and never talk to other people.

I used to be addicted to everything “normal” people are addicted these days.

Games, social video, you name it.

And I mean everything.

On top of the fact I was shy when I was little, this was the cherry on the top.

I think many people have similar problems, and you know why?

Because you don’t need to do things you had to count on before in out age.

I could’ve used my phone when I got lost, but I didn’t knew what to look for.

I am grateful I asked that stranger back then.

Why Everything Is So Harder Than Before

Well, because of the technology mainly.

If we were to grow like our parents and grand parents, but well, without war and everything, we wouldn’t have those problems.

We would’ve be able to talk to strangers, because that’s all we could’ve do to meet new people form relationships.

We would’ve talk to girls on the street to get girlfriends, because Tinder and Instagram never existed.

And a lot of things I am not going to mention because I think Medium can close down my account.

Still, life without technology wouldn’t be ideal, there are a lot of downsides too.

No medical equipment, much harder work for men and a lot more.

This is why I think technology is something that should be handed only to young adults, after they had experienced fundamental things.

But the “standards” of today gives smartphones and technology to all newborns.

How To Remediate The Problem (My Opinion)

The solution I suggest is easier than it seems.

I don’t say to erase the technology, go back in time or other stupid stuff like that.

My solution is to experience what our parents and grandparents wanted us.

Wars weren’t fought so one nation could have more than the other or because of bad people.

War is fought by people, people that fight so they could return to their friends and families, not for some commander.

So, my answer is to jump head first sometimes.

Is there a last time you denied a party because you don’t drink, well, If it is, next time go, drink a little, experience it, but have in mind what technology allows us to have, information.

Alcohol isn’t good for the brain in early age, but one glass of wine is not a killer.

And the good thing is that you don’t necessarily have to drink to go to the party.

You can choose whether or not to drink, smoke or take drugs.

But be careful for the things that create addiction like smoking or drugs.

They are just bad.

Fu*k talking to girls on Instagram, go to that girl on the street and ask her for her number or a date, or this time on Instagram to keep in touch.

But don’t make it a digitalized relationship.

Get out in the real world with her and live the best experiences you can without making a story for every single meal you have or crazy experience.

You need to feel alive, not the people watching you.

Do spontaneous things, take a trip to somewhere you don’t know a single thing about.

Don’t overthink everything because it will keep you in just one place your whole life.

Wow, this post was amazing to write, I think it’s my favourite so far :)

Since the summer vacation is here I will try something new here in Medium.

I didn’t saw everybody doing it so I think you would like it If you stick around for more!

I hope you liked this post, see ya!



Alexandru Gîndea
Science For Life

Alex here. Getting better everyday and trying to share as much as possible. Business, health, self-improvement are just some of the things you'll see here:)