Remove This Wrong Perception About Money

I know what money can do for you.

Vinod Kumar Kashyap
Science For Life
3 min readJun 8, 2024


Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

If you think money is not important at all, think again. Statements like money can’t bring happiness are told by those who have lots of money.

So, don’t be delusional.

I know what money can do for you. You may be happy. But when it comes to your daily living, you need money for everything.

Whether eating, going somewhere, or sending love as a gift, you need money for everything.

“If you want to know what God thinks of money, just look at the people he gave it to.”
― Dorothy Parker

You need money for everything. Money is an essential part of life. Negating this fact means you are lying.

You are living in illusion. It’s a fact, you believe it or not.

Consider the broader implications of money. It’s not just about personal needs; it’s about societal structures.

From temples to charitable trusts, these exist because of the financial support they receive.

Consider the universality of the need for money. It will be a white lie if you say you can live without money.

No one in this world can do it. You need at least something to eat.

Some of you say, yes, it’s right. We need money at every step of life. But some of you deny it.

And those who reject it are those who have lots of money or are broke.

“While money can’t buy happiness, it certainly lets you choose your own form of misery.”
― Groucho Marx

Consider the role of money in your family life. You have mouths to feed, a home that requires daily upkeep, and various expenses to cover.

Money is not just a part of life; it’s crucial to maintaining a stable and comfortable family environment.

Recognizing this importance is the first step towards financial responsibility.

You must pay school fees, electricity bills, rent, food bills, transport, and whatnot. I don’t see anything that doesn’t require money.

Money is a part of our lives. We need to respect it as a family member.

When I lost my job, I knew firsthand what it took to run a house. You cannot spend money on things that you love.

You have to live at the bare minimum. Sometimes, you need money to buy a one-time meal.

“You can be young without money, but you can’t be old without it.”
― Tennessee Williams

You can only understand it if you have gone through this phase of life. Every individual, whether rich or poor, needs money.

You cannot deny it. You need to earn by any means.

In conclusion, whether you believe it or not, money will bring happiness in your life. I bet you cannot be happy without money.

You will understand when you need it for food, you need clothes to get on, you need shelter in the rain.

Money is an essential part of your life.



Vinod Kumar Kashyap
Science For Life

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