Science For Life
Published in
2 min readDec 30, 2020


Happy little things in life.

1. Digging pockets, suddenly digging up some money, so happy!

2. Eating breakfast and found that the boss gave me an extra piece of meat today, so happy!

3. I woke up in a dream and found out the time was 2:00 am instead of 6:00 am, so I could sleep a bit more.

4. Suddenly being complimented on your beauty, so happy!

5. Wake up naturally, suddenly found that today is a holiday, no need to go to work and class, so happy!

6. When I want to go to the bathroom, I find that no one is there, so happy!

7. When driving to the traffic light, the signal suddenly turns green, so happy!

8. I met someone in need on the way out and was able to help, so happy!

9. The radio suddenly plays my favorite songs, so happy!

10. When cleaning, I found a sock that had disappeared for a long time, but fortunately, the other one hadn’t been thrown away yet, so I was able to make a pair, so happy!

11. Took the elevator just in time, so happy!

12. Shopping online, I found that all the products I bought are very ideal, so happy!

13. People around are healthy and safe, so happy!

14. In the toilet “detox” smooth, all relaxed, so happy!

15. Accidentally farted, found no one around, so happy!

All of you should be So happy to see such a happy article, so happy!



Science For Life

"Exploring love & relationships. Providing advice, insights, and inspiration to inspire you to find & maintain healthy and fulfilling connections."