The Dark Side of Fitness Gaming

4 Reasons why you should think twice before getting one.

Ludi F
Science For Life
3 min readJun 4, 2021


Photo by Leslie Cross on Unsplash

Recently I shared a story about how fitness gaming helped me in an anxiety battle. It was a true savior for me. I became healthier, restored my sleep pattern and shredded a couple of inches of belly fat. Hurray!

I am 70 days into the game. Well, I am not sure if the benefits outweigh the drawbacks. Let me explain:

Reason number one

It is bloody addictive. As with any computer game, unfortunately, it draws you in. So you finish up spending a lot of time defeating monsters with squads or twists. This may sound good at first, but I am spending at least 7h a week playing the game.

In the real world, I could achieve the same results in half of the time, as other individuals and the instructor would drive me.

Reason number two

It is super convenient. Right there in the living room, available any moment you like. The gyms reopened about 40 days ago in my area. I went for a swim once. I continue paying for an expensive membership, booking classes, only to cancel them last minute. Why bother and drive to the gym? I have the Fitness Game. So easy to burn calories in a pure entertainment manner. At some point, I completely ditched the idea of even trying to make it to the gym.

Convenience is excellent in certain circumstances, aka lockdown, horrible winter weather or when you are in Antarctica on a base and need to keep sane. But it kind of killed the vibe for me. Deep down, I know I love the gym, but somehow choose to play the game every time. Usually, I would feel guilty to pass a class, as I desire to close my rings (yeah, apple watch addict speaking here). Well, now, I can do it in my living room. How comfortable!

Reason number three

It is isolating. In the last few months, I have not only passed on classes or swimming. Nor I joined the local running group I am a member of. Neither have I gone for a social paddle session. Even roller-skating meetups I was looking forward to are long forgotten.

This is big. Actually, it is the major reason I am writing this article. I love the outdoors a lot. I love meeting new folks who enjoy the same type of sports as me. Recently with COVID, it takes so much hustle and patience to organize my fitness leisure outside the house. I have been passive on it for weeks.

Reason number four

The progress stagnates with time. At the beginning of the journey, my heart rate would function at 70%-80% capacity, not anymore. My body is so adapted to this form of exercise. Therefore, I am spending more time on the game to gain a similar effect.

In the gym, the coach will push me when it is too easy. At home, there is no motivator. I increased the difficulty level of my console, but it still does not do the trick.

Small print side effects

I realized I cured one disease, but as a side effect grew addicted to the remedy I employed. I have no motivation to get out there and do sport with other humans. Today I decided to ban fitness gaming for at least 3 weeks. I know it will eventually work. A couple of lost awards and competitions will motivate me to get out of the shell and drive myself to the gym, river, running event, or skating meet up.

Fitness Gaming is an amazing invention, no doubt. However, I suggest people should be careful to introduce it into their daily routine. It can take over your life and eventually disconnect you from reality. By the end of the day, it is gaming. It is addictive and isolating.

Ludi F

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Ludi F
Science For Life

Writing Enthusiast. Research Nerd. Life Explorer. Digital Water Expert.