The Entrepreneurship Gene

Saurav Adh
Science For Life
Published in
2 min readMay 19, 2022

You have the entrepreneurship gene.

The Internet revolution is one of the main causes of the birth of numerous entrepreneurs globally. Some of the greatest entrepreneurs we know namely Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Mark Zuckerberg are all the results of the internet revolution. The ideology of entrepreneurship since has been spreading rapidly throughout the world and because of this millions more entrepreneurs have been born.

So, is it that the era of entrepreneurship started only after the internet revolution? History shows that we humans have always been living in the entrepreneurial era. We have been continually innovating and selling throughout our history.

Innovation and selling are the building blocks of entrepreneurship and these blocks existed even when we were hunters and gatherers. Internet revolution not only gave birth to millions of entrepreneurs but also made billions more familiar with the idealogy.

500 years ago, when the scientific revolution took place, a lot of ideas and innovations were brought to light. Science was being used to build machinery, weapons, and ships. The rise of capitalism also took place. Both innovation and selling were in their role during that time.

2500 years ago, when universal money was defined, people started selling their skills for money, and innovations in agricultural tools, clothes, shoes, and utensils grew onwards. People back then also innovated and sold.

13,000 years ago, when homo sapiens dominated the earth by wiping out other human species, innovations in hunting tools, calculation, and shelter were also taking place. The concept of selling might not have existed back then but innovation was consistent.

In addition to the evolution of our being, innovation has also been a constant companion of us. The need to innovate is in our genes, we constantly seek innovation be it in any aspect of our life.

We have always been living in the era of entrepreneurship. We are here to innovate, as long as we innovate why not sell it. Innovation can happen in various aspects of life and innovations that really make a difference can always be sold.

Everybody is born with a gene to innovate and selling can always be learned, hence anybody can develop entrepreneurial skills, how good is another question.

Let’s all innovate in the specific fields we work on. Let’s continually innovate and built something valuable, because that’s who we are “innovators”.



Saurav Adh
Science For Life

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