The germ theory and COVID-19

Science For Life
Published in
2 min readAug 31, 2023

The germ theory is the theory that germs spreading is harmful to the human body. It also shows that things like washing your hands are important. Scientists have discovered many ways to stop the spread of germs and to make diseases less deadly and transportable. One example is that a doctor in Spain in the 1800s realized that washing your hands stopped the spread of germs, and by doing that he saved the lives of many infected by different viruses. Other solutions to cure viruses and diseases are antibiotics, vaccinations, and other natural things that can help cure diseases as well as your own body which can create antibodies. The germ theory replaced the miasma theory. There are always issues, diseases, and infections that come and go and sometimes stay, but one that is affecting the world today is COVID-19. COVID-19 is a disease that was first seen in October 2019, however, it only became serious and a global issue in March 2020.

Photo by CDC on Unsplash

This disease started in China but has since spread all around the world. There are 3 million known global cases, but there could be up to 6 million cases. Luckily, many more people who had the infection have recovered, than died. The disease has become a pandemic and many people worldwide are very worried about it. Common symptoms of the coronavirus are fever, tiredness, and dry cough. The virus is pretty much a more deadly common cold. The germ theory is almost life-changing when it comes to COVID-19. People wear masks and wash their hands very frequently and often now, as well as social distance. People are doing many things to help stop the spread of germs and fluids and prevent the infection from spreading from human to human. If it weren’t for the germ theory, we would probably still be living life normally and the cases and death toll would be much higher. Unfortunately, there isn’t a vaccine for the coronavirus yet. But washing your hands and doing some other small things makes a big difference and helps to fight the virus.


