The Importance of Breathing Correctly

We breathe 15,000–20,000 times a day and every breath counts. Here are tools and techniques to create healthy breathing habits and work with them more closely.

Andy Murphy
Science For Life


Photo by Lutchenca Medeiros on Unsplash

There are two ways to think about breathing:

1. It just happens

2. We actively play a role in how it happens

Depending on your relationship to your breath and how much you know about it will naturally cause you to favour one over the other. That might make it hard or even strange to think about breathing as a habit.

However, our breathing habits belong alongside other daily habits such as eating, drinking, exercising, and sleeping. However, because of its ease and consistency, we can often take it for granted or completely ignore it.

Our diet, exercise routines, and sleeping patterns are much more tangible in that regard so they have been given far more attention of late. The big difference in the breath though is that we breathe thousands of times a day instead of the few times that we eat, drink, exercise, and sleep.

As the breath creates a bridge between our inner experience and our outer environment, it is constantly signalling, adjusting, and responding to all…

