The Long Goodbye: The March of Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease

Hayden Lim Khai Eun
Science For Life
Published in
8 min readMar 24, 2024



Highway robbers systematically cutting off muscular communication lines, garbling the signals so the instruments grow progressively discordant. Limbs that once moved with fluid grace now fall miserably out of tune, growing weaker and more disabled with each passing crescendo. Such is the dissonant downward spiral of Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease — a degenerative neurological condition where our body’s most elemental physical partnership between nerves and muscles breaks down in painfully incremental ways. As key neural pathways progressively short circuit, peripheral muscles atrophy and movement grows increasingly discordant. First it’s distant extremities slipping out of sync, then inch-by-inch the entire orchestral arrangement collapses under its own fractured dissonance.

An immensely variable disorder, Charcot-Marie-Tooth spares no movement — even the most minute finger twitches or highly coordinated physical feats can ultimately fall to its merciless disruptions. And just as each gifted musician experiences their own finely nuanced demise into silence, so do CMT’s inherited pathways pervert physiology across a wide spectrum of progressions and deformities.


At the core of Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease is a fundamental disruption of the nerves controlling our voluntary muscle movements. Specifically, these are abnormalities of the peripheral nerves responsible for relaying motor and sensory signals between the spinal cord and limbs/extremities.

Healthy peripheral nerves contain long axons — the primary transmission cables conveying electrical signals. These axons extend from neuron cell bodies and branch out to individual muscle fibres through more compact nerve branches and tracts. Specialised Schwann cells wrap these extended axons in insulating myelin sheaths, optimising conductance of neural impulses.

However, a cornucopia of genetic defects can ultimately impair the development, structure, function or upkeep of these peripheral nerve pathways in CMT. These heritable mutations disrupt proteins instrumental in axon structure/maintenance, myelination processes, neuronal transport mechanisms, or various other molecular factors. With these core biological components compromised, neural signalling becomes progressively faulty and muscles fall out of coordination.

Some CMT subtypes exhibit primary disruptions to the myelin sheathing itself, whereby mutations impact myelin-producing cells or myelin-stabilising proteins. In demyelinating forms, nerves become essentially stripped of their insulation as Schwann cells deteriorate, leading to conduction slowing and eventually axonal degeneration.

In axonal CMT forms, defects more directly impact the axons themselves through impaired structural proteins, cellular transport processes, and molecular transcription errors. This provokes Wallerian degeneration as the axons break down from their distal terminations back towards cell bodies. Other rarer CMT variants can involve mutant protein accumulation that damages both axons and myelin.

Regardless of the specific molecular pathways perturbed, these genetic disruptions inexorably degrade peripheral nerve function over time. And as the vital two-way communications highway between central nervous system and peripheral muscles grows strangled, physical deficits and muscular atrophy become inevitable.

Owing to its tremendous genetic heterogeneity, CMT encompasses a broad spectrum of progressions. Some subtypes manifest infantile or early childhood onset with rapid deterioration, while others emerge as adult-onset forms deteriorating more gradually over decades. Various inheritance patterns and rates of progression exist, along with highly variable patterns of weakness and disability arising in individual cases.


Given the vast clinical and genetic heterogeneity of CMT, establishing a definitive diagnosis often proves a painstaking process of elimination fraught with detective work. Symptoms like progressively painful cramps, loss of muscle bulk, numbness, weakness or “foot drop” could potentially stem from myriad alternate neurological disorders.

As such, CMT diagnosis involves synthesising clues from the personal/family history, characteristic patterns of physical findings, neurological exams assessing reflexes/sensations, and various testing modalities like:

  • Electromyography & Nerve Conduction Studies — These tests directly measure the speed and strength of nerve signal transmissions and muscle responses along the peripheral nerves. Slowed conduction velocities and abnormal potentials can help pinpoint inherent defects.
  • Nerve Biopsy — Examining samples of nerve fibres under a microscope may reveal patterns of axon degeneration, demyelination, and other structural abnormalities indicative of certain CMT subtypes.
  • Molecular Genetic Testing — Once recognizable CMT patterns emerge, specialised genetic analysis searching for specific mutations helps confirm subtypes and inheritance patterns. Panels covering dozens of CMT-linked genes are becoming more accessible.
  • Brain/Spine MRI — In some cases, radiological imaging may help rule out nerve compressions or structural lesions mimicking CMT.

Throughout diagnosis, clinicians categorise patients based on standardised CMT phenotypes while probing deeper into potential causative factors.



As of today, there remains no cure or method for reversing the inexorable peripheral neural degeneration underlying Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease. Instead, disease management aims to rehabilitate and support remaining function while preventatively addressing downstream complications before they exacerbate disability.

This means leveraging an arsenal of symptom-centric therapies and multidisciplinary healthcare tactics implemented based on an individual’s specific CMT subtype, stage of progression, and patterns of muscular involvement.

  • Physical Therapy — Working with physiatrists and rehab specialists allows patients to learn compensatory techniques, stretching regimens, strength training, bracing/orthotics, and ambulatory assistance tailored to their evolving mobility limitations.
  • Orthopaedic Surgery — For more severe foot deformities, muscular imbalances, and joint instabilities arising secondarily from CMT, surgical procedures like tendon transfers, osteotomies, joint fusions or even amputations may be recommended to reduce pain, improve biomechanics, and maintain residual functionality.
  • Medications — While unable to treat root causes, various pharmaceuticals can provide symptomatic relief from CMT’s chronic neuropathic pain, cramping, fatigue, gastrointestinal effects, or musculoskeletal manifestations.
  • Occupational Therapy — As fine motor coordination and dexterity deteriorate, OT helps patients maximise independence through mobility aids, adaptive equipment, environmental modifications, and developing new techniques for activities of daily living.
  • Respiratory Support — For individuals experiencing respiratory muscle weakness or sleep disorders from nerve involvement, interventions may include breathing treatments, continuous ventilatory assistance, or even tracheostomies in severe cases.
  • Counselling/Support — Not to be overlooked, psychological services focused on coping with disability, managing lifestyle adjustments, childhood developmental issues, or end-stage palliative care carry immense importance.

Clinical monitoring and tailored support regimens prove paramount as CMT progressions tend to vary greatly over decades. Therapeutic game plans must evolve in tandem — from early stretching, bracing and conditioning to ambulatory assistance, surgical reconstructions, and ultimately battling the downstream respiratory or systemic complications of severe, long-standing nerve deterioration.

At each stage, input from physical medicine/rehabilitation teams, orthopedists, pulmonologists, genetic counsellors, and mental health professionals may be warranted. Fostering an interdisciplinary approach creates a continuous cycle of maximising functional status in the face of CMT’s relentless peripheral neural deterioration.

The enormity of such care highlights the inherent challenges — the absence of root cause treatments leaving only suboptimal bandages for an intrinsically degenerative process. But rehabilitation and supportive interventions, relentlessly maintained, can potentially help individuals obtain their highest achievable qualities of life…for however long their neural cadences remain capable of playing.

Future Research

Thanks to rapid advances in molecular genetics and neuroscience over recent decades, scientific appreciation for CMT’s breadth and complexities have blossomed commensurately. And with more clarity into these diseases’ genetically intricate roots comes fertile new hunting grounds for potential regenerative solutions.

Gene Therapies

Given CMT’s foundation in inherent genetic mutations, major efforts are underway exploring viral vector and alternative gene transfer technologies to counteract primary defects. Delivering functional replacements for faulty genes, RNAi interference to modulate expression, or even gene-editing techniques like CRISPR present novel approaches for short-circuiting CMT neuropathies earlier in their cellular transcriptional cascades.

Stem Cell/Regenerative Medicine

Leveraging the revolutions in stem cell transplantation and tissue engineering, researchers are piloting regenerative medicine tactics to remyelinate denuded axons or even grow entirely new, healthy nerve grafts. Progenitor cell transplants, biomaterials supporting neural regrowth, and bioengineered microenvironments recreating critical developmental cues all may aid CMT damage remediation.

Neuroprotection/Axon Support

With axonal degeneration comprising the universal endpoint irrespective of aetiology, efforts focus on supporting existing peripheral nerves through molecular preservation. Blocking apoptotic pathways, enhancing neurotrophic signalling, and developing growth factor adjuvants could maintain viable axons while other therapeutics are developed.

Cell Reprogramming

Exploring new techniques to reprogram differentiated cells into pluripotent neural crest cell states may someday enable growing patient-specific neural progenitors capable of engraftment and remyelination. Combining cell fate reprogramming with gene-editing could yield limitless autologous graft sources.

As the human genome project catalysed these potent new technologies, so too has precise genetic insight into CMT subtypes revealed entirely novel therapeutic angles scarcely imagined decades ago. Our most ambitious trajectories now aim to intercept the peripheral neuropathies at their most nascent roots.

Compared to the resigned palliation and downstream mitigation tactics comprising current standard-of-care, the future beckons towards proactive neural remediation and potentially even outright regenerative rehabilitation. Stopping the degeneration dead in its tracks by overwriting its transcriptional seeds.

These aspirations may very well appear audacious for conditions long deemed irreversible. But the rapid momentum of innovations like gene therapy and cell engineering have demolished alleged impossibilities before — priming society to ask not if neural regeneration is possible, but simply when.


For the thousands wrestling to maintain cadence amidst Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease’s relentless unravelling, the condition names more than a rare disorder — it christens an all-too-familiar existential reckoning. A medical metaphor for all of humanity’s innate fragilities laid bare.

A dissonant disassembling of every intricate movement and voluntary gesture we’ve taken for granted since birth? The cruellest exposure of our ingenious neural choreographies as mere ephemeral staging…destined to falter and fray until we devolve into corpulent sacs of senseless, denervated meat? Sound bleak? Well it should. But still, we persist. We carry ourselves onward through the ever-faltering spasms and compensations. We tune our movements to alternative tonalities then relearn those suspended cadences anew — all while our fundamental instruments steadily abandon us. Because as startling as Charcot-Marie-Tooth insurrections may prove, they alone cannot divest humanity from our defining chorus. So long as we march determinedly into each hard reset…then set out improvising those novel compositions all over again.



Hayden Lim Khai Eun
Science For Life

I am Hayden, a high school student from Singapore. The articles I write are mostly science-based, although you may see some exceptions. It's my blog after all.