The Melting of Ice Caps Explained

Science For Life
Published in
2 min readJan 4, 2024

Why are the ice caps melting?

The melting of ice caps is one of the most talked-about and well-known topics of climate change. The ice caps started melting in the early 1900s because that was the beginning of the industrial revolution. In fact, 95% of recent climate disasters were caused by the industrial revolution. This revolution also increased the population of the earth massively. The population of humans on earth has been 1 million–1 billion from the very beginning until 1920. Now, 100 years later, the global population is almost 8 billion. The reason the ice caps are melting is that a massive amount of greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide, are being released.

How this is affecting the world?

The heat from the sun is absorbed by the oceans instead of being reflected in space, contributing to warm oceans, water expansions, and jet stream changes.

Small temperature changes in the arctic can change the weather all over the world.


  • Burning fossil fuels creates carbon dioxide, traps heat, and makes the earth warmer
  • Increases in construction, industries, and consumption due to growth have contributed to the rise of greenhouse gases such as nitrous oxide and methane.
  • Natural causes such as volcanic eruptions, ocean currents, and solar variations. Also contribute to climate change.


  1. This will affect the health of humans and animals.
  2. This will affect the biodiversity of plants and animals. Where there, ecosystems will change, making it more difficult for life as we know it.
  3. Rise in sea level due to the melting of ice caps.


  1. Governments have to find alternative energy sources that do not produce greenhouse gases
  2. Reduce the burning of fossil fuels of all types
  3. Reforestation, planting more trees to absorb the excess carbon dioxide


