The Science Behind Sleep Walking

Is Sleepwalking a serious disorder?

Fiza Ameen
Science For Life
2 min readJun 2, 2021


Image on Unsplash by Annie Spratt

Sleepwalking also called somnambulism or noctambulism, is the condition when a person unconsciously walks while sleeping. In some cases, the person keeps moving and is unaware of all the happenings of the night. They mostly don’t remember how they started walking and what happened afterwards. The person has a dazed expression and is unable to grasp your message.

The disorder is more common in children and in most cases this stops happening when the person reaches adulthood. It is not a severe disorder although it can lead to difficulties.

Common causes of sleepwalking

Science tells the following things can cause this problem.

  • It is genetic and a person with a sufferer in his family has a fair chance of inheriting it.
  • It may result from sleep deprivation. In that case mind is partially awakened so the person can’t get hold of himself.
  • It may result from a restless sleep. During a journey or to a new place, some people have a problem keeping their minds relaxed.
  • Stress and anxiety can also prompt the problem.
  • The sedative effect of some medicines steals the peace from your sleep and the result is restlessness plus walking while sleeping in some cases.
  • Drinking before bedtime is another cause.
  • If the person has a drastic sleeping disorders, he’s likely to have this illness.
  • High fever can also be a reason.

Is it a serious sleeping disorder?

Doctors claim that sleepwalking in most cases doesn’t need treatment. It is an illness in children and with time these episodes become less frequent. But if the person continues to walk in his adolescence and even after that, there is a need for treatment. If episodes are too frequent, the patient is supposed to be getting himself checked by doctor. Some medicines have quite good effects for that case of this illness.

Difficulties that may happen due to sleep walking

The person is unaware of what he’s doing. Sometimes they even get out from their houses and go where their feet take them. Getting hurt by some stuff on floor or by the sharp object is possible. Moreover, they may fell asleep anywhere. All these things can jeopardize their lives.

What should be done?

Locking doors of the house, removing all hard and injuring stuff from the floor, keeping all the sharp objects out of their reach are the basic ways to get control over the mishaps that may arise due to sleepwalking. If there is a need to wake the patient up, be gentle because he doesn’t know what’s going on. And if possible, there should be a responsible person with a sleepwalking patient.



Fiza Ameen
Science For Life

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