Think Good For Yourself, Instead Of Thinking Bad About Others

By thinking good about ourselves, we focus on what we want to achieve.

Fayaz Ali
Science For Life
2 min readMay 23, 2021


Photo by Ian Stauffer on Unsplash

We all are seeking ways to get success. You might have heard that there is no short way to get success. It’s a long journey. It takes time.

People face obstacles on their way to get success. I can’t explain all of them, but I would try to tell you about one of them.

Your focus does matter

Focus matters a lot, you become what you focus on. Success needs focus. Behind the scene, thoughts produce focus. It has a strong relationship with thoughts. Thoughts consume energy, use them in the right direction. So if your thoughts are about others you wouldn’t be able to focus on your goals.

Your thoughts should be about yourself. Let me apply on apps. For example, Liam and James have apps with similar features. Liam’s app has more downloads with a good rating. Now it depends on James that how does he react? If he starts thinking bad about Liam or his app, nothing would happen. His thoughts will make him a depressed person. He would be on the same stage. But, if he starts thinking about the ways to improve his app. His thoughts would convert into actions for ranking up his app. He may get success,

By thinking good about ourselves, we focus on what we want to achieve. We put our energy in the right direction. This way can get us one step close towards success. Also, we become a better version of ourselves.

