You May Become More Intelligent And Likeable Just By Possessing This One Quality Alone.

Use it intelligently to your advantage.

Vinod Kumar Kashyap
Science For Life
5 min readJul 11, 2021


Photo by Stephanie Harvey on Unsplash

Have you ever said to someone and then regret later? Have you ever feel ashamed of your words? Do you know the power of words that you utter from your mouth the whole day? Words have immense power.

Whatever you speak creates an impact on the person standing in front of you and society. Have you ever poked by a blunt nail, and you feel nothing? But, what if it is not dull but sharp. You will shout and feel immense pain. Right? You may develop a wound around the area where you poked a nail.

The same applies to the words as well. Whenever you speak harsh words with someone, they will create a wound in their heart. It may not be outside, but inside you will immense pain. Words will make a tremendous impact on other people. They are like arrows shot from a bow. Once they are triggered, you can not stop them.

Think before you speak. Speak well with people as you never know how they are going through life. Your words can be strong enough to make a person stand and make him your enemy. Try to say something terrible to someone for a whole day, and you will see at the end of the day, he will feel dull and weak. How does that happen? The secret is in the words that you speak to them and the way he takes your comments.

“Think before you speak. Read before you think.”
― Fran Lebowitz

In society, we have a lot of things that are dependent on words. How you communicate with wife, husband, child, parents, neighbors or friends, all this depends on the words you speak. Most of the time, you are speaking on autopilot mode.

Most of the time, you are thinking before speaking. Try to speak words that will create an impact on others and not the other way around. Comments that encourage people to take positive steps and help them to achieve something.

It takes a little work on yourself to improve your speaking skills. We need communication skills. If we do not communicate, we can not make connections and networks, and it is challenging to live and thrive in this world.

You have to choose every word wisely and carefully if you want to make a difference. Especially in case you are a public speaker, it is significant for you to choose your words because whatever you speak creates an impact on people listening.

“If you think before you speak you will speak well, if you think twice you will speak very well.” ― Amit Kalantri

Try to hold any wrong words inside you. Think before you speak. If you want to convince someone, you have to choose your words carefully. Some particular phrases and words can change the minds of the audience.

It can be one person or 100. Do not use those loser words that can discourage people. Improve your vocabulary so that you can use them effectively in situations.

Introverts speak after carefully analyzing their words. They love to listen, but when they open their mouth, people mesmerized. See how often your words create positive impacts on other people. Which words and phrases help people to do things, to motivate them, mostly use those words.

You will see lots of people starts to listen to you carefully when using powerful words. On the other hand, if you use abusive language or your choice of words is not so, impactful people will start to distance you.

“The greatest talent one can have is learning when to speak and when to not.” ― Bryant A. Loney

Dr. Masaru Emoto Experiment

Dr. Masaru Emoto does an influential experiment in the 1990’s. He was observing the words on the crystals of water. He hired a photographer to take pictures of the water after exposing to various terms and then freeze the water to crystalize.

The results were remarkable. When he uses positive words, water crystals formed beautiful structures, and when exposed to negative comments, they include ugly designs.

And, you know, the human body consists of 70% of water. So, when you speak negatively to some people, they will become more hostile and, in the end, die. Use your words wisely to communicate. You never know what they do to other people. It is not that only other person will impact it; it will also negatively affect your body. When you speak yourself also, use positive language.

“The day I realized I could speak well, I decided I won’t speak for myself anymore.” ― Sharad Vivek Sagar

Most people never think about what they are saying. They say whatever comes to their mind. That is why so many people are becoming negative. No one wants to listen to these people as they are constantly speaking out rubbish things. They might not be speaking consciously.

But somewhere in their subconscious mind, they lack behind. It is their conditioning from childhood not to think positive. As their movement is like that, they speak accordingly, and this cycle goes on. We have to catch the pattern and work on it.

Let’s start from today on wards to think before speaking. Clear your objective, and then choose your words wisely to communicate. Do not use any words that came to your mind — all public speakers before giving any speech practice a lot.

And, by doing it again and again, they are so perfect that they don’t require any preparation to communicate. They will create those words and stories from any situation and communicates well.

“Speak kindly to and of yourself.” ― Bryant McGill

So, speak your words carefully. While speaking, think what will be the impact of your words on the other person. They may get them to some level or make them feel shame or dull. It is your responsibility to take yourself to the next level. Speak carefully and see what happens?

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Vinod Kumar Kashyap
Science For Life

Digital Writer & Storyteller | Bringing Visions to Life Through Premium Ghostwriting​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​