To Develop Emotional Strength, Take a Page Out of The ‘bro’ Playbook

Spencer Jacobson
Science For Life
Published in
2 min readJun 3, 2021


I think the mechanics of physical strength and emotional strength are the same, yet as a society, and especially with men, we get emotional strength completely wrong.

As those identifying as men we’re expected to get physically stronger by going to the gym, weakening ourselves to the point of muscle failure, and even inviting a spotter or gym buddy to watch us fail and experience this weakness. We know that we can get even stronger when we have someone with us.

But when it comes to emotions, especially sadness and pain, we think that strength means ignoring it and not showing anybody. Wouldn’t it make sense that it’s actually the same as the gym? Feel your weakness, pain, shame and lower your wall and you actually get stronger? Especially when you have someone by your side to talk to?

Every time you show vulnerability with yourself and others it actually sends a sign to yourself that says “I can handle it”. Every time you allow yourself to go into the “muck” of darker emotions you can realize that there is a hard floor beneath that muck that you can use as a springboard for your creativity and passion for life.

That is how you get stronger.

“Spot me bro.”



Spencer Jacobson
Science For Life

Soul embodiment guide, serial entrepreneur, love revolutionary | crew neck sweatshirt enthusiast