The Self-Love Revolution: Stop Being a Martyr and Put Yourself First

What if Getting Clear About Your Life Purpose is the Secret Key to Happiness?

Cathy Lee Taylor
Science For Life
11 min readApr 24, 2020


Photo by Bart LaRue on Unsplash

Women are notorious for helping others before they take care of themselves.

If thinking about being on an airplane and putting your child’s oxygen mask on second makes you uncomfortable, you might be in need of a lesson in radical self-care.

Most women I know want to be a better lovers in some way. Some want to be a better lover to a life partners; some want to strengthen their friendships; others want to create a world in which we all live in harmony.

I know that to love more, you must learn how to replenish your resources first.

Becoming a more loving individual engenders a profound sense of freedom in us all, but freedom demands change. If the idea of freedom excites you, but the thought of change scares you, know that you are not alone.

Change, letting go, and surrender are all concepts that people often misunderstand. There is an inherent fear of the unknown when adopting any of these practices, but I am here to show you the way to transform fear into freedom.

One universal truth I have come to understand is this: change is inevitable. If you are reading this, you are likely at a place where growth is no longer optional but essential.

While it can be scary, I promise you that with the right focus, change can be fun. Living an open, growth-oriented life is an inspiring reality for you. It will align you with the kind of growth required to realize your dreams.

In my coaching practice, I will show you how women who take care of themselves first are much more capable of finding clarity in their life’s purpose, and as a result, they are more effective in making changes for themselves, their loved ones, and the world.

Ask yourself right now, “Does my life currently have the clarity of purpose to achieve my deepest dreams and desires?”

Deep Yearning for Freedom

Many women yearn for a sense of freedom in their lives — a deep desire for the kind of independence that allows you to do what you want when you want.

But somehow, that experience of life and liberty in its wholeness remains out of reach.

How many of you feel that if you only knew your purpose was; many of the other unanswered questions in your life would naturally be resolved?

What if finding your purpose opened up a portal to living a magical and charmed life full of serendipity?

Where are you now?

What women are saying about their lives:

“My career is no longer fulfilling. I spend so much time in my mind solving problems that I am exhausted. There is no time for creativity or play in my life.”

“I have been a mother so long I don’t know any other way to live. But I can’t continue to over-give, always putting others first. I have no time to replenish my own energy. I need to feel joy again.”

“I have always felt a deeper calling to serve somehow but have a clue what that life might look like. I can’t answer a call if I don’t know what that call is.”

“I want to learn how to create more deeply and have serendipity in my life. If I knew my life purpose, I could manifest what I really want and help others do the same thing.”

“After turning 50, my sense of urgency to do what I came here to do has amplified. Life is short, and time is my most precious commodity now. I want the freedom I deserve.”

“I know my body is a result of my chronic thoughts, and the fact that I am in constant pain is a reminder that I am not living up to my potential. I need help to change that pattern.”

“My finances have always been a weak area in my life, and I want to free my consciousness of that limitation and find a balance of work and freedom that satisfies my needs and inner desires.”

“Without a sense of harmony, it is easy to fall into despair and anxiety. I want to feel like I live in a world that supports me to be myself and be surrounded by people who feel the same.”

“My relationships are everything to me, the first being with myself. Then my friends and, God willing, I can find intimacy with someone that leads to a happy life walking our paths together.”

“I don’t want to die with my unique song still inside me. I am determined to find out what my calling is, and nothing is going to stop me.”

What if it were possible to let go of all doubt and fear about your future because you tap into your true-life purpose and feel more confident?

Would you have the courage to move forward with those next steps you have been ignoring for years?

What if your work left you feeling entirely productive and fulfilled?

What if you had the ability to be happy at will because you feel empowered and not limited?

All of this and more can happen to you.

And the first step lies in the commitment to put your needs and desires first.

What do You Know for Sure?

I was born into an impoverished family in Canada, and it didn’t take me long to figure out that having money was better than not. I got my first job at the age of 12, and 51 years later, I am still working.

The truth is, being poor set me on a path to some of the greatest discoveries in my life. Like moving away from home at age 16 and going to University. Then leaving my birthplace at age 22 for California, where I became an entrepreneur, wife, and mother.

I studied yoga with a master and learned to calm my mind and emotions enough to experience a powerful spiritual connection. Forty years later, I remain a twice-a-day meditator.

For sure, there were many bumps along the way. Divorce, for one, and raising my son as a single mom while running a business.

No doubt, I have had my share of feeling trapped in many of life’s disagreeable circumstances.

… until that one fateful day that changed everything in my world.

At age 35, I damn near died from heart failure. It’s a bit of a long story, but it was the first time that I understood beyond a shadow of a doubt that my real path to freedom didn’t exist on the outside … but could be found within myself.

During this journey of walking the path of my inner world, the details of my life purpose became clearer.

My first near-death experience (NDE) showed me a world I knew in my gut to be truer than true (is that a thing?). But remarkably, I could not find words to help me share what I had learned with others.

It was almost like I had uncovered a magical key to the reality that ordained no one could ever again take away my personal happiness, and all I had to do to maintain my new state of being was learn to how to stay in the moment.

To be here now was the exit door from the crazy in life. And it was also that instant experience in the fullness of my NDE.

This miraculous moment is where my real story began.

When you put Yourself First

Life after my near-death experience was confusing and disruptive in a way that is really hard to describe. I felt like death was walking beside me, and that’s how it should be.

I wasn’t scared about dying anymore. I was piercingly aware it could happen at any moment. And that awareness added a quality of joy and appreciation to my life that didn’t exist before.

But there was also a mounting sense of urgency that never again left me alone because I had tapped into a resource that I felt deeply our world needed to know about.

At the same time, I couldn’t take people where I had gone, and believe me when I say there are no perfect words to do justice to the depth of that experience.

But I tried. Because, you know, that sense of urgency!

What I came in contact with when being in the presence of Divine Love was a message about my own life purpose.

I heard the words, “This is the kind of love I want the world to know about.” And I knew what to do with the rest of my life. It should be simple, right?

Good grief Charlie Brown. How was I ever going to talk about this greater kind of love?

A kind of love that can solve any problem you could possibly come up with and allow you to feel ecstasy forever if you want. Truth be told, it took me 30 years to figure that out.

So Many Pieces, So Little Time

Over the years, I practiced the ways in which I could tune into the essence of Divine Love and use its power to live a more quality life that I could share with others.

The first thing I deepened was my practice of self-care. I learned to put myself first. Most women I know would agree that putting our oxygen masks on first is extremely uncomfortable.

We are programmed from a young age to help others before ourselves.

It turns out that taking care of yourself first puts you in a position of being able to help others in a much more powerful and effective manner. It is much harder to be a great lover when your own oxygen tank is empty.

So, the big idea that I could use love as an all-embracing solution to any life problem gave me plenty of opportunities to create new responses to life’s challenges.

Looking back, I realized that I had developed a six-step system in my own life that allowed me to reconnect with divine love when needed and practice how to let go of the old patterns and beliefs in life that stopped me from being in that connected state naturally.

It wasn’t easy, but it was definitely worth it.

How to Live Connected to Universal Energy

I’ve had a spiritual practice since my early twenties. And like most spiritual aspirants, I struggled for so many years about why I couldn’t always stay centered in that connection with divine love.

Getting back on the spiritual path was often difficult when I got thrown off. The ego is a formidable foe.

What I know for sure now is that even when you learn to be spiritual, it doesn’t mean life stops throwing challenges at you.

Far from it. In fact, life throws more opportunities your way in order to expand your ability to stay centered in universal oneness.

And this is where the magic begins.

One of your best weapons is the intention you set, and another success tool is to NEVER GIVE UP!

Yep, I hate to tell you, even when you learn how to connect to your spiritual source, sh*t is still going to hit the fan, and those are your moments of grace where you get to rise up and live your best life!

Your Purpose Upgrades Your Life Significantly

If you feel a sense of urgency that you haven’t realized or fulfilled your life calling, I want to assure you there is a path to getting that done in record time!

The first shift you must make is to establish a practice of connecting with universal energy daily. That practice is meditation, which I do at dawn and dusk daily.

But you don’t have to be a mediator. Plenty of others have learned to connect through methods such as mindfulness, yoga postures, breathing practices or pranayams, chanting, deep relaxation, or just being in nature.

But connect, you must! Daily.

As you focus on staying centered on source, you begin to live at higher levels of consciousness, and you might find that you have to navigate some subconscious blocks that pop up.

No worries; there are easy ways to transform these old stories.

It just takes some diligent practice to become aware of and, consequently, get rid of these obstructive narratives.

A Journey You Don’t Want to Miss

When I turned 51, my second NDE was an acute wake-up call to get going on this journey of helping others.

I spent many years struggling to know what this calling should look like in the world, and honestly, I got good at making up reasons that stopped me from doing anything.

But now I can clearly see when I am stopping myself from letting my light in. I know the tricks of the ego and how to get around them.

That’s part of the reason I became a Life Coach working with women who want to practice radical self-care to help others and create a network of women who want to do the same.

It is time to allow our minds and hearts to heal and leave the weak and hurt part of ourselves in the scrap pile of stinky memories.

Then we can move into visibility in the world in a way that our inner, universal being shines through and inspire others.

We used to believe we didn’t matter or weren’t good enough. But that’s when we first put someone else’s oxygen mask on.

Now is the time for women like us to rise up and change the world.

My Offer for You

I invite you into a relationship with me so we can rise up together. For women who resonate with my story, I am here to help catapult you into a new level of being.

I work with many women who thought they would never find their life purpose.

I promise you that you can find your purpose and don’t have to have an NDE to do it!

One woman stopped holding onto the idea of saving her old marriage after two years already divorced and made plans to move to her hometown of New York to be in a new relationship.

One older man I coached had built several successful businesses but was feeling lost when I met him.

In just two sessions, he started seeing a physical therapist and created a consulting business, and felt like he got his life back.

Another woman left a marriage that made her feel like she “was in prison” and became self-supporting and plans to move to her dream place in Hawaii to take care of animals.

You can find your purpose and next steps too. Together we will work on uncovering your old stories and transforming them into new ones that match the vision you have for your future self.

I would love to hear from you if you resonate with my journey and what I am sharing. I have seen this work’s power deliver many women on the verge of greatness into living lives they only imagined before.

Contact me at for a free, 30-minute discovery session.

Are you ready to rise up, fulfill your life purpose and have a magical life? Tick tock ladies, tick tock.

Originally published at

Cathy Lee Taylor — entrepreneur, life coach, podcaster, and freelance writer. I like to help people realize their highest potential.



Cathy Lee Taylor
Science For Life

Obsessed with transformation and living in the now. Help people realize their highest potential.