Warning: You’re Lacking Behind by Not Using These 3 Habits

How 3 Habits Can Help You Live a Better Life

Vinod Kumar Kashyap
Science For Life
5 min readJul 13, 2021


Photo by Deena Englard on Unsplash

“We become what we repeatedly do.” ― Sean Covey

If you were allowed to choose three habits that you want to implement in your life, what are those? Keep in mind whatever you choose creates your future. Every step you take today will change your future to a small degree. Different people have different choices. It will not be the same for all. So, step back and think about what you want to achieve and the activities you need to plan or habits to be formed to accomplish that goal.

In this article, I recommend three habits that I use for myself. To grab those or not entirely depends upon you. If you accept those, they can help you achieve most of your goals. These are some of those I highly recommend everyone to follow. These are so powerful that you will start to see a change in your life once to form these habits. Your life will not be the same again. You will see you get extra time to do the things. Your days become so much productive, and you feel more confident.

“Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” ― Jim Ryun

Let’s start with habits that will change you forever.

Plan your day before

“Every minute you spend in planning saves 10 minutes in execution; this gives you a 1,000 percent return on energy!” ― Brian Tracy

It is a powerful habit. You can plan your whole day, beforehand, maybe the previous night before going to bed. You can manage all essential tasks and prioritize those, so you don’t have to waste your time thinking of what to do when you start your day. If you plan ahead of time, you will get a lot of time to do other activities that you want to do apart from your crucial activities.

When I started to follow this, my life is simplified. Now, I have all work done on schedule. I have planned all my time slots for the day. Now, I have office time, me time, personal development time, food time, family time. Planning your day will remove all your confusion from your mind about what to do next as you have already slots to fill that. You never have to think again about what to do next.

Planning your day is the number one habit of successful people. They know the value of their time and want to utilize it in a very planned way. They know if they waste it, they will lose. They know how to achieve their goals. implement this habit and see what it can change in your life

Wake up early

“Wake up early and tackle the day before it tackles you. Be on offense, not defense.” — Evan Carmichael

You’ve heard it before too. Waking up early in the morning costs nothing. It’s just your mind that will make excuses not to wake up early. When you wake up early in the morning, you will get a lot of time for yourself and do activities that require only you to be present. There were fewer noises which help you to concentrate on your goals. You see, I write all my articles early in the morning when none is there to disturb me. You can plan the activities that are most important and do them before.

Moreover, when you get up early, you get at least three different forms of your day. It’s not necessary to sleep 9–10 hours a day. No, most successful people don’t sleep for such a long time. I think six hours are more than sufficient to cover up your sleep. Waking up early make your brain more powerful. Waves in the brain are very different at 4 AM than during the daytime. In old times in India, people use to wake up at 4 AM. But now people are sleeping till 9 AM. I wake up at 4 AM daily, and it gives me an extra edge over others.

Since you have planned your day, you will get a lot of time to finish all your important tasks early when children and family members sleep. There is no traffic noise out there. Use this time to do the activities that will help you grow and prepare for your future.

Writing Your Goals Daily

“By recording your dreams and goals on paper, you set in motion the process of becoming the person you most want to be. Put your future in good hands — your own.” — Mark Victor Hansen

Every successful person has this habit inside him. Believe it or not, when you write down your goals, there are much more chances of accomplishing them. There is a special connection between your brain and hand, and when you write your goals on paper, you are making them tangible. You can see them in front of you.

Writing goals should be your daily practice unless those goals are imprinted on your subconscious mind permanently. They should become an embedded part of your life. Once you write a goal, your subconscious mind will make it happen. It will bring you the opportunities that will help you achieve those goals.

There are specific ways to write your goals. They should be written in the present tense as you have already achieved them and living them right now. If you want to generate an income of one million dollars, then you have to write something like, Hooray, I am earning 1 million dollars.

Some people believe these habits are crucial, and some think they’re not. It is up to you to believe in them. It had given me a lot of things in my life.

I am not saying these are the only habits that will make you successful, but these are the top three habits that will lead you towards your goals.

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Vinod Kumar Kashyap
Science For Life

Digital Writer & Storyteller | Bringing Visions to Life Through Premium Ghostwriting​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​