We are creators

Science For Life
Published in
4 min readFeb 27, 2022

If you begin to understand what you are without trying to change it, then what you are undergoes a transformation. The more you know yourself, the more clarity there is. Self-knowledge has no end — you don’t come to an achievement; you don’t come to a conclusion. It is an endless river.

If you sincerely wish to live a real life full of inspiration and far from disappointments, experiencing every moment and desire to create, then it is time to feel your true self with all the fibers of your soul. Each of us has asked ourselves the question: “who we are”, “who I am” to which you can answer with one sentence: “we are creators”, we are endowed with a lot of knowledge and skills to create, allowing at any moment show our ability. Unfortunately, not all of us remember who we are in reality and therefore often search for the answer to this question consciously or unconsciously. I myself have been in such search. Not knowing who we are we often look for answers outside. We look for our improved versions in our surroundings because we do not feel that we are complete. We mistakenly believe that external attributes increase our importance. To know ourselves, first we need to accept ourselves as we see and feel with all our strengths and weaknesses. It is important to understand what we really like, what our values are, what makes us who we are.

The process of self-knowledge requires a lot of time, we need to step back from any assessments and endless comparisons of ourselves with others, remembering that we are just who we are. The biggest barrier in the way of searching deeper into ourselves is our constant identification with outside world, that we have forgotten that our true self cannot be defined or explained with words or terms. By understanding and accepting it, we make a connection with who we are. We are not just isolated particles in a universe dependent on circumstances, we are creators and directors of our own destiny even in those moments when it seems that we are just drifting along. To change circumstances and begin to live an inspired life, we have to answer the question of who we are. A person who knows who he really is lives in a state of creative flow and contentment feeling the fullness of life and then all fears disappear into the background. There is always a way to achieve what you want but to do it you have to stop limiting yourself and start acting on your inner power. Then everything around makes sense and somehow inexplicably opens the roads that lead us to what we so passionately desire. Life will shine with more color and pleasure, not as a result of self-effort or willpower, but by through love, which will fill our actions, by accepting our true nature and by discovering what inspires and gives ground for creativity. All we have to do is act. The great discoveries of mankind were made because someone came up with an idea or a fantasy. Remember your greatest achievements and successes you will realize that most of them are a product of the creative process be that conscious or unconscious. We constantly make a decision but in most cases we do it automatically this is the problem we have not learned to consciously manage the intentions.

To be creative means to be able to generate a result. Conscious creative process begins when we are inspired to imagine or think of something and then back it up with specific intentions and actions. We have ideas and do whatever it takes to bring them to reality in the creative process, and intention plays an essential role by requiring that we stay awake and focus our energy on what we are trying to create. Whether the result is positive or negative depends on the degree of awareness with which we carry out the process from beginning to end. It is important to understand that we do not achieve something simply because we do something, we achieve it through clarity of intention, engaging all internal reserves. Unfortunately, most people are not aware of this, you have probably heard many times that we are creators, but how can we check this? There are thousands of experiments that have been done to measure the impact of an observer in the past, present or future. The reason is the ability of man or any other living system to influence the outcome regardless of when the event happened or will happen. From this we can conclude that the future exists in space purely possibly and the present past becomes blurred in the vast plane of the here and now and we as receivers pick up signs of possibilities that already exist but are dormant for the time being. To claim them in the present is to change the existing reality and create the future we desire. The key element in this process is our own ability to act, to bring to a concrete result, thinking, imagining, observing, generating ideas. This conclusion determines that we are creators and understanding this we take responsibility for everything that happens, recognizing that thoughts and actions are reflected not only in our existence but also in the environment.



Science For Life

Writer, like to motivate people who are struggling.