What Prevents You From Progressing In Your Athletic Level?

9 simple mistakes you make during exercise prevent you from reaching the desired body and weight.

Jones Elbouga
Science For Life
4 min readAug 27, 2021


Photo by Anastase Maragos on Unsplash.

Sport is a supportive stake for the body in order to protect it from severe diseases and health ailments that afflict a person because of his or her shortcomings in his or her or her health and nutritional affairs, as it is also one of the most important solutions to avoid the destruction of physical and mental strength, for a healthy mind is in a healthy body.

One of the most important sports that inspired and took a place in the life of the generation of this age; The sport of bodybuilding or resistance in general, as it has been shown in several studies how important it is in obtaining a harmonious and healthy body, but every goal has a correct path to follow in order to reach the goal, otherwise there is no point in proceeding wrongly.

So, what are the reasons for the reluctance of many gym-goers to complete their sport career, despite their penetration into it for a period of time but without obtaining results? What are the appropriate solutions to avoid these matters and return to the right path to correct them properly while performing physical activities?

There are several simple mistakes made by players, especially beginners, while they exercise, believing that they do not affect their sports career and do not prevent them from reaching the body and the required weight.

Here are the most common mistakes that players make when exercising:

1. Skipping Warm-Up Exercises.

Warming up the muscle before exercising is one of the most important things to follow, as it turns out that the failure to warm up is nothing but a cause of muscle tissue rupture and the occurrence of bouts of muscle tension. Warming up for a period of no less than 7 minutes is the best to avoid muscle injuries, in addition to helping to prepare the heart and body to begin the exercise.

2. Lack of Focus And Increase Speed During Exercise.

It is very important to give the exercises their right as much as possible to focus on the pressure on the muscle, as speed often leads to injuries and reduces the effectiveness of the exercise. Just as speed has counterproductive results on the muscle, taking a lot of time and taking long breaks leads to the destruction of the muscle instead of building it, as it is necessary to take a rest not exceeding 20 seconds between each round and the next one, and one minute between exercise and the other with the need to breathe and exhale during Do the exercise.

3. Neglecting To Carry Heavy Weights.

It is not smart to brag about the player’s ability to carry the heaviest weights, but the weights must be gradually carried between each round and the next one, provided that the repetitions do not exceed 15 repetitions and not less than 8 repetitions, so that the muscle benefits from the exercise comprehensively.

4. Just Resistance Exercises.

Many sports coaches have indicated that aerobic exercises and resistance exercises should accompany each other in order to reach the specific goal and gain full benefit, as resistance is an important component of building muscle and aerobic exercises to lose fat and stimulate the heart and blood circulation.

5. Lack Of Diversification In Exercises

The progress in the training level has a great impact on the body, and it is also important to rise in the level of exercises little by little and diversify them to include all the muscles of the body and the operation of different parts of them. If the muscles get used to the exercise, they will become less effective and take longer to notice the change in them.

6. Limit Drinking Water During Muscular Exertion.

Many players think that drinking water during exercise leads to intestinal problems and a feeling of fatigue. Rather, it is necessary to drink doses of water between each round and the next one to avoid dehydration of the body. Moreover, drinking water increases the flow of energy and supplies the muscles with fluids, which works to perform the exercise better.

7. Not Taking Into Account The Rest Period.

The minds of many gym-goers neglect the issue of adequate sleep for muscle recovery, especially at night. The process of sleeping at night is not just an ordinary matter, especially for building muscles. Without muscle relaxation and comfort at least 8 hours of continuous sleep; The player will not reap the fruits of his fatigue and effort spent while doing the exercises, but rather, this will lead to muscle loss by not giving them enough time to recover and rest.

8. Ignore A Healthy Diet Rich In Nutrients.

It is necessary to adhere to the proper food accompanying exercise. Physical effort goes to waste unless a diet rich in protein, fiber and the rest of the healthy nutrients whose mission is to provide the body with sufficient energy for exercise and to nourish muscles and lose fat.

9. Thinking That Exercise Is Like A Burden On The Shoulders.

Many people see that negative thinking has nothing to do with performance, and this is certainly wrong. Rather, exercise must be enjoyed while doing it so that the body is fully prepared to spend its energy on the exercise, as the players must create an atmosphere for themselves that helps them keep motivation for better periods and not discourage their resolve and lethargy. Before they reach their goal.

In conclusion, we all agree that the great benefits that the human body gains from sports are endless, but we must pay attention and highlight the simplest matters and focus on them carefully so that we reap the fruits of our efforts and reach the desired result and the body we aspire to in a proper manner without consequences for us.



Jones Elbouga
Science For Life

Write about: Personal Development, Self, Health, and Books Review.