When Social Media Negates Our Confidence

david rosario
Science For Life
Published in
4 min readMar 2, 2022
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American culture has shifted in several ways throughout the years. Cars do not have to rely solely on gas anymore. Through the Internet, people can send mail and access news articles within minutes. With the rise of technology and social media, our society remains connected. Although, there is a significant cost that comes with such a dramatic change in how our world operates.

Smartphones offer convenience due to its functionality and diversity. You can check the time, weather, and write notes with this powerful device. It is rare to even see a youngster ask for directions to a certain location. Their smartphone GPS takes care of that predicament. The numerous things you can achieve with a smartphone is incredible and has made humans less reliable on one another.

Without a doubt, human interaction has differed within the past decade. Older kids and adults hold their conversations on the Internet where they can share posts with thoughts or images. Platforms like Instagram and Facebook slowly made people create a false reality due to the freedom it allows. That is where a giant problem sets in.

When people look at themselves in the mirror, they may not feel satisfied. Some individuals are likely to devalue themselves because of their flaws. Those who constantly judge themselves create destructive thoughts. People with stomach fat could fear taking their shirts off at the beach. A person with flabby arms may reconsider wearing a tank top to a store during the summer. These sort of thoughts or approaches produces a harmful mindset.

It is not rare to hear the youth, especially women, speak poorly about themselves. Social media influencers impact how the youth process normalness. Music artists and Instagram and fitness models can induce shame and sadness. The way some influencers present their lives and appearances cripples the self-esteem of many young viewers. Comparison and the yearn for someone else’s life taints tons of Americans.

How people interpret their bodies varies. A young guy in high school may feel less manly because he does not have big muscles. This issue can arise from seeing professional athletes or bodybuilders successful and confident. A young lady who is in college could feel less worthy without big breasts and an hourglass figure. Women who show off their curvy bodies or certain physical features get a greater amount of attention and likes. Both genders can feel discouraged and that places American culture in a shallow state.

When young men and women live with physical insecurities, they are more likely to fixate on obtaining a certain look. If there is a struggle in the process, their mental health can decline.

Males with negative body images try to conceal their perception because they can feel ashamed. This instance causes them to not look for treatment or therapy and pushes them to avoid admittance of any personal troubles. Meanwhile, females find it more difficult to navigate through life because American culture influences them to have a certain figure or weight more often than men. With the social pressure women receive, they are likelier to build eating disorders and feel depressed.

What people do not know are the lives of social media influencers beyond their posts. Those buff guys on the Internet appear healthy and strong, right? Well, several of those men use steroids. The girls with the hot bodies earned their looks, right? Not completely, some of them use Photoshop or undergo buttocks lifts. Everyone has imperfections and it is important for the public to realize that.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to have a better body. An issue appears only when people find alternative ways to get the body they want. Fad diets and weight loss pills may not be the best answer. Cheap plastic surgeries or steroids pose serious risks. Men and women with distinct body goals should approach their objectives with composure and patience.

Establishing an exercise plan and committing to a suitable diet can make a major difference in someone’s life. The method is healthier and less threatening and becomes more meaningful once the results start to appear.

Instead of trying to duplicate someone’s appearance, the youth must realize that they have unique bodies for a reason. Humans have similar figures, but none of us are exact. Accepting your appearance is better than ignoring and punishing it. More importantly, staying away from social media could change a person’s view on him or herself. With the use of this tactic, the youth can move forward and believe that there is beauty in being different.

Social media can be powerful and helpful, yet young men and women should use it in moderation. The youth could set time aside to focus on themselves and their progression. Once they dig into their growth, keeping up with society and its trends becomes less of a chore. Avoiding social media when it becomes harmful gives people independence because keeping up with the lives of strangers is irrelevant.

The youth must consider and remember they will not be young forever. Finding satisfaction in having a fully functional body is essential since our bodies alter. Embracing and loving the capabilities of your body brings clarity. Nobody should survive with the strive to always fit in with society and correct their physical flaws. Aging is not a terrible thing unless you let it be. To protect our mental health, we must constantly restructure the way we view the world and ourselves.



david rosario
Science For Life

An aspiring writer who reads books at night to fall asleep.