Who Wants to Live Forever: The Immortal Jellyfish

Hayden Lim Khai Eun
Science For Life
Published in
7 min readJan 8, 2024
The Immortal Jellyfish, scientifically known as Turritopsis dohrnii, is a species of jellyfish that possesses the unique ability to revert its cells to a juvenile state, potentially achieving biological immortality.

1. Introduction: The Fascinating Phenomenon of Biological Reversal of Aging

The concept of reversing ageing: A revolutionary breakthrough

Ageing — the inevitable process that turns vibrant youth into wrinkled wisdom. For centuries, humans have searched for the elusive fountain of youth, hoping to reverse the effects of time. And while we can’t turn back the clock for ourselves, nature seems to have found a way. Enter the mind-boggling concept of reversing ageing — a revolutionary breakthrough that challenges our understanding of life itself.

The discovery of Turritopsis dohrnii: A game-changer in the field

In the vast expanse of the oceans, amidst swirling currents and mysterious depths, marine biologists stumbled upon a creature that would redefine our perception of mortality. Meet Turritopsis dohrnii, the immortal jellyfish. This small, transparent jellyfish possesses the extraordinary ability to revert its cells back to their youthful state, effectively reversing the ageing process. The discovery of this enigmatic species has sent shockwaves through the scientific community and opened up new avenues of research into the potential reversal of ageing.

2. Unveiling the Turritopsis dohrnii: A Jellyfish with Immortal Potential

Taxonomy and habitat of Turritopsis dohrnii

Turritopsis dohrnii, also known as the “Benjamin Button jellyfish,” belongs to the family Oceaniidae. These remarkable creatures can be found in various oceans around the world, including the waters of the Mediterranean, Japan, and the Caribbean. Despite their small size, Turritopsis dohrnii has captured the imagination of scientists and nature enthusiasts alike with its awe-inspiring ability to defy the ageing process.

Morphology and special characteristics of Turritopsis dohrnii

Turritopsis dohrnii may appear unassuming, resembling other jellyfish species, but it’s true wonder lies beneath its gelatinous surface. With a transparent body and tentacles, this immortal jellyfish glides through the water with grace. Its distinguishing feature is a unique cluster of cells called the “bulbous body,” which acts like a miniature fountain of youth, rejuvenating the jellyfish and keeping it eternally young.

3. The Life Cycle of Turritopsis dohrnii: From Birth to Immortality

The different stages of the life cycle

From birth to immortality, the life cycle of Turritopsis dohrnii is a captivating journey of transformation. Like most jellyfish, this species goes through several stages — from the tiny, free-swimming larvae to the mature medusa phase. However, what sets Turritopsis dohrnii apart is the remarkable ability to revert back to an earlier stage in its life cycle, effectively hitting the reset button on ageing.

Regeneration and rejuvenation: How the immortal jellyfish defies ageing

Regeneration is a superpower many creatures possess, but Turritopsis dohrnii takes it to a whole new level. When faced with environmental stress or physical trauma, this jellyfish can transform its cells, not just repairing damaged tissues but turning back the biological clock. Through a process called transdifferentiation, it resets its cells to their earliest form, allowing the jellyfish to start anew, free from the shackles of ageing.

Source: Reuters

4. Understanding the Cellular Mechanisms Behind Aging Reversal in Turritopsis dohrnii

Telomere maintenance and telomerase activity

Telomeres, the protective caps at the ends of our chromosomes, play a crucial role in ageing. As our cells divide, telomeres shorten, eventually leading to cellular senescence and the ageing process. However, Turritopsis dohrnii has a unique advantage — it possesses high levels of telomerase, an enzyme that rebuilds telomeres and prevents their degradation. This exceptional telomere maintenance allows the immortal jellyfish to maintain its youthful state indefinitely.

Transdifferentiation: The key to cellular rejuvenation

Transdifferentiation, the ability to transform one type of cell into another, is a fundamental process in the life of Turritopsis dohrnii. This remarkable jellyfish can convert its mature cells back into less specialised forms, which then develop into different cell types needed for regeneration. By harnessing the power of transdifferentiation, Turritopsis dohrnii defies the limitations of ageing and showcases the incredible potential for cellular rejuvenation.

5. Potential Applications

Insights into the biology of ageing and potential applications

The discovery of the Turritopsis dohrnii, or the immortal jellyfish, has provided valuable insights into the biology of ageing. By understanding how this peculiar species is capable of reverting its cells to their earliest form, scientists are gaining a better understanding of the intricate processes that contribute to the ageing of organisms.

This newfound knowledge holds great potential for applications in human ageing research. It opens up new avenues for exploring therapies and interventions that could potentially slow down or even reverse the ageing process in humans. While we may not become truly immortal like the jellyfish, we could benefit from rejuvenation techniques that could enhance our quality of life as we age.

Medical breakthroughs and therapeutic possibilities

The immortality of the jellyfish has captured the imagination of the scientific community, sparking excitement about its potential medical breakthroughs. If scientists can unravel the underlying mechanisms that allow the jellyfish to rejuvenate, it could pave the way for groundbreaking therapies and treatments.

Imagine a world where age-related diseases become a thing of the past. Conditions like Alzheimer’s, osteoporosis, and heart disease could be significantly mitigated or even eliminated. The potential therapeutic possibilities are vast, and the study of the immortal jellyfish offers a glimmer of hope for a healthier and longer life.

6. Challenges and Limitations: Exploring the Roadblocks in Harnessing the Power of Turritopsis dohrnii

Difficulties in studying and reproducing the immortal jellyfish phenomenon

While the immortal jellyfish has captured the interest of researchers worldwide, studying and reproducing its unique abilities present numerous challenges. The jellyfish is delicate and difficult to maintain in artificial laboratory conditions, making it challenging for scientists to conduct extensive experiments.

Additionally, the mechanisms behind the jellyfish’s immortality are still not fully understood, adding another layer of complexity. Without a comprehensive understanding of the biological processes at play, researchers face hurdles in attempting to harness the power of the Turritopsis dohrnii for human benefit.

Ethical considerations and societal implications

As we delve deeper into the possibilities of reversing ageing, ethical considerations and societal implications also come to the forefront. The idea of extending human life indefinitely raises complex questions about the meaning and purpose of existence, as well as the potential consequences for uncontrolled population growth, leading to overpopulation, and unbalanced resource allocation, leading to resource depletion.

Moreover, access to rejuvenation techniques raises concerns about equity and fairness. Would immortality be a privilege reserved only for the wealthy, creating a significant societal divide? These ethical dilemmas require careful consideration and thoughtful discussions as we navigate the road towards harnessing the power of the immortal jellyfish.

7. Afterword

As we conclude our journey into the mesmerising world of the immortal jellyfish, one cannot help but hear the echoing refrain of Queen’s song, “Who Wants to Live Forever?” In the ocean’s depths, where time takes on a different rhythm, the Turritopsis dohrnii whispers an answer: “I dare to live forever.” This tiny creature, defying the natural order of life and death, invites us to question the very essence of immortality. While the immortal jellyfish itself may not possess the consciousness to sing along with Freddie Mercury, its silent rebellion against the conventional rules of mortality echoes the daring spirit captured in those lyrics.

So, as we contemplate the profound implications of the immortal jellyfish’s ability to reverse the ageing process and start anew, we’re reminded that the quest for eternity is not merely a pursuit of biology but a challenge to the very essence of our existence. This immortal jellyfish serves as a powerful reminder that nature still holds countless secrets and potential solutions to the age-old quest for eternal youth. In the mysterious depths of the ocean, where the jellyfish pulses with a rhythmic defiance, the lyrics ring true: “Who dares to love forever, when love must die?” Perhaps, in the pulsating glow of the immortal jellyfish, we find a daring response — a quiet proclamation that, in the dance between life and time, some creatures indeed dare to live forever.


1. Can Turritopsis dohrnii’s ability to reverse ageing be applied to humans?

While Turritopsis dohrnii’s ability to reverse ageing is fascinating, applying the same mechanism to humans is currently a challenge. The complex cellular processes involved in rejuvenation and transdifferentiation in the jellyfish may not have direct parallels in human biology. However, studying Turritopsis dohrnii and its unique capabilities may provide valuable insights into the biology of ageing and potentially inspire new avenues of research in human longevity.

2. Is it possible for other organisms to possess similar immortality abilities?

Turritopsis dohrnii is not the only organism with remarkable regenerative capabilities. Some species of planarians, hydra, and certain types of bacteria also exhibit exceptional regenerative abilities. While they may not possess the exact ability to reverse aging like Turritopsis dohrnii, they provide insights into the vast diversity of life forms and their unique mechanisms of regeneration and rejuvenation.

3. How close are we to developing practical applications for reversing ageing in humans?

While the prospect of reversing ageing in humans is an exciting concept, practical applications are still in the realm of speculation. The study of Turritopsis dohrnii and other organisms with regenerative abilities provides valuable insights, but significant challenges remain in translating these findings into practical interventions for human ageing. Further research, technological advancements, and a better understanding of the complex biology of ageing are necessary steps on the path towards potential applications.



Hayden Lim Khai Eun
Science For Life

I am Hayden, a high school student from Singapore. The articles I write are mostly science-based, although you may see some exceptions. It's my blog after all.