Why you need to let things go

Science For Life
Published in
1 min readOct 3, 2023
Photo by Nik on Unsplash

Let go of what exactly? Everything that burdens you, frustrates you and drains you out of your energy.

We want to live stress-free lives, but seldom make the effort to be that way. The harsh truth is that you will be worried and stressed naturally in your daily life. It’s when you take a conscious effort to say “I’m not going to worry anymore. And I’m just going to be happy.” And do exactly that!

Sometimes, this is all it takes. To hell with our worries. Forget about it for just a single day. Don’t give a shit about the worrying thoughts. It feels frickin amazing.

At the end of our lives. If we think back to this day, our older selves would probably be thinking that we are worried about something that matters so less. And that we’re wasting so many moments and time by worrying.

There’s nothing as important as life itself. And life is only experienced in the present moment. So forget about your worries and focus on your life, at the moment right now. Just breathe my friend.



Science For Life

Hey there! I write about my personal experiences & thoughts on Self-Improvement, Philosophy, Health & More.