Why you should meditate every day

Saurav Adh
Science For Life
Published in
2 min readMay 13, 2022

Do you control your mind or does it control you?

Imagine what it would feel like to control and manipulate our own thoughts. Controlling all the thoughts like worries, anxiety, and depression, and being able to plant thoughts of happiness, and peacefulness, wouldn't life be great?

Being able to control your thoughts and plant good thoughts without getting attached to the external condition is absolutely possible. This capability is available to every human being.

Sitting quietly and observing thoughts that come and go is the most powerful tool to help you control your mind, turn down negative emotions and feel at ease with life. Meditation has been widely practiced for well-being and improving health and everyone including you should get habituated to it.

With occasional meditation sessions, it took me more than a year to really let my thoughts float and not get attached to them. I have had a spiritual experience and since then the way I look at life has completely changed.

Sitting quietly for a few minutes and practicing a meditation technique(there are many available) relaxes your whole body improving your mental focus. A peaceful mind that is not getting attached to any thoughts clears out every single stress resulting in a calm being.

I try my best to incorporate two meditation sessions every day, if not two at least I am consistent with one. I have felt a tremendous difference in my energy levels, my thinking pattern, and as a whole my way to perceive life. I have become more calm, peaceful, compassionate, and empathetic and my negative emotions like anger, hate, and guilt have turned down.

With daily meditation practice, you can literally control your thoughts and manipulate them into positive thoughts that later manifest in real life. Getting started may be difficult for some ( it was for me), thoughts become a huge problem when getting started but with daily practice, you will be able to turn down thoughts and increase your vibration. Higher vibration means greater things in life.

Set out a few minutes every day to meditate, slowly increase your period, and keep on doing consistently even if you do not feel any difference. Slowly as the time passes your daily meditation session will start bringing results, you will be calmer and will be able to remain peaceful no matter the external conditions.

The way you perceive things will change you will be happier, compassionate, kind, peaceful, and radiate good energy, overall your vibration will increase. Meditation really has infinite benefits and making it a daily habit will change your life for good.

To learn more about how to increase your vibration, check out my e-book: Raising your vibration



Saurav Adh
Science For Life

I write to share a view through my experiences, knowledge, and observation helping you for personal growth. e-book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BSTQSSHP